Get Your Lover Back Forever


About Me

" It is important to remember that we all have magic inside us- JK Rowling, Author of Harry Potter"

What if a man from the 16th century came to visit us? he would think a car is magic, electric bulb is magic, aeroplane is magic. Magic is a term used to define things we do not understand but each and every one of us is capable of creating a car, bulb or plane- it is human beings who did it! Energy is invisible but results are visible, you do not see electricity but you see the fan, the ac, the cellphone etc. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but it can be converted from one form to another. A waterfall can help us harness hydroelectricity, wind can help us get turbines and dynamos running, sun rays can help us power battery cells which then can help run cars! It takes mastery to understand energy and I have studied the form of energy called as human aura or psyche or soul. Our bodies are a vehicle, the soul - spirit is the energy. Each spirit has negative and positive elements and when they go out of balance, problems occur. This is where my knowledge comes handy, it is pretty scientific actually but sadly the soul cannot be quantified till date so theoretical proof is little.

We all have magic inside us from the day we are born, I am a human being just like you or anyone else. The only difference is, I was fortunate enough to retain the magic in me and from the age of 7 years I have found myself drawn to helping those that need to be reminded that they are capable of doing everything that they want- get the money they need, the career they aspire, the relationship they are looking for - anything. I am not God, I am not an angel, I am someone who can see and sense things beyond average human perception and it gives me great joy to use my strengths to help people.

My parents and ancestors were Sufi mystics or Darvishes as they are popularly known and since a young age I have seen my family heal people. The biggest freedom in the world is the freedom from the need of power and material things and Dervishes are known for that- my sufi roots believe in helping mankind and the blessings of people is the biggest wealth to achieve. Today after helping people heal and achieve their dreams in the last 30 years, I can humbly thank the Lord for a life where I do not need to use my powers for money. I have helped over 12000 people till date achieve what they long to achieve, I do all healings for free. For specific problems where people need negative energies removed and get their lives back on track, I do charge because I spend my energy in getting their derailed lives back in order and it is human nature to cherish what they pay for. I do not want people to use my services as a shortcut to doing whatever they please with their lives, I try my level best to get their lives back to normal so that they value their lives and themselves and take care and make sure to keep their lives that way. I am happy when I do not get a repeat customer because my job is done if I have permanently made their lives come back on track.

What do I do?

I practice several forms of mysticism, from the dark arts, occult science, heathen rituals, divinations, faerie and djinn consultations, psychic healings, distance healing etc.

Is it safe?

I keep getting this question from most people who speak to me for the first time. Let me explain it this way- Is a knife safe? Yes if it is used to cut vegetables etc it is a safe thing, it is merely a utensil then but if you use a knife to stab someone then it is not safe. The rituals I know which I have mastered over decades are my weapons, I use different weapons depending on the case. When I speak to a person, I try to get a clear understanding of their intention- intention is very important- I do not help anybody who has evil intentions, I just guide them to rise above pettiness and move on with their lives. 

Is it permanent?

Here I would like to talk about the difference between a remedy and a solution. Most of the babas, pandits, spell casters online market themselves as people who can provide solutions instantly and with 100 per cent guarantee etc. I, first of all do not have a label attached to myself. I am a mystic. I am human and I cannot give any guarantee of time or effect. People who do such things offer you a remedy, a remedy is like a blanket when someone is feeling cold, putting a blanket on a cold person will make the person warm but without the blanket, the person still remains cold. A solution is like a medicine that takes care of the root cause of the cold. What I give is a solution, I do not want people to be dependant on rituals and spend money in order to achieve what they can with their own magical capabilities, I strengthen people to become positive, to become independent so that they can take charge of their lives and destinies, I use my powers to convert negative energy into positive energy. Where there is pain I bring peace, where there is hatred I bring love where there is weakness I bring strength and I help people help themselves so yes my solutions are absolutely permanent so one has to be very sure about what they want because it will be done.

How do I know that a spell is working?


I have many clients who call me 3-4 times a day asking me for assurance etc. I can understand that after being duped by babajis and tantriks it can be difficult to trust me so I patiently listen to them and assure them to the best of my capacities but I must say that enquiring time and again only weakens the energy. I cannot make anyone develop faith in me, which is why I do not give guarantee or warranty but I can put down a few guidelines here for people to follow, in most cases if you follow these guidelines you will yourself start feeling the energy and potency of the spell:

1) Stay positive and do not get carried away by negative emotions like fear, faithlessness, obsession, jealousy etc
2) Respect the spell, do not doubt it
3) Follow my instructions in order for the spell to work, if you call someone I have forbidden you to call it will weaken the energy of the spell
4) Look for reasons to be happy and be happy, the happier you manage to be- the faster the results come!

Some signs that the spell is working:

1) You will feel lighter, happier and calm
2) You will start to notice other things in life besides your problem
3) You will start taking care of yourself
4) Your problems will lose control over you
5) You will feel like you are in control of your life
6) You will not get carried away by temporary feelings of hate and negativity- when these feelings come you will be able to patiently wait till they go away on their own instead of acting upon them and doing something negative or foolish
7) Slowly the happy phases will increase and negative phases will decrease
8) Your desire will manifest

What do you expect in return out of your customers?

Nothing, I charge a nominal fee because it is an exchange of energy. Barring that I expect my happy customers to share their experience through testimonials and videos which I blur out upon request in order to help more and more people. This is something that my customers can do if they feel like - it is not a compulsion. I can very well make a video of myself and speak high and low about my powers and capabilities but that will have very little effect on people and I can easily be mistaken as one of the quacks and money looters online, when my customers share their experience- it helps others also to develop a little faith and divinity and mysticism is all about faith.

Can you suggest a few tips to watch out for and avoid getting scammed by fake people on the internet?

 Honestly I have never dealt with people like that but from what my clients tell me, here are a few tell tale signs:

1) They will offer to do things in an unbelievable short span of time
2) They will ask for a small token amount first
3) They will give 1000 per cent guarantee
4) They will stop taking calls after payment
5) They will take calls but say that there is another problem and then another problem etc and take more money
6) Instead of removing your negative state of mind, they will capitalise on it and feed your suspicion and lie to you that there are people doing dark arts on you or your husband is cheating or about to cheat etc and then get you in a vulnerable spot to make you spend more money
7) There will never be a one time payment and you will have to keep paying to remove one obstacle or another
8) They will lie to you about how much hard work they are doing for you and tell you that you are like their daughter/sister/son etc
9) Sometimes you may even see your problem getting solved but it is only temporary, they will never permanently solve your problem because they will lose a source of income
10) They will fill your mind with ideas of revenge and ego etc in order to make you weak and powerless. Negative emotions corrode the soul and a weak soul is always a victim.

Miracle Method Revealed: Get Your Lost Love Back - Immediately!

Get Your Ex Back - Even if You Thought It Was Impossible!

Banish The Heartbreak - Win Back Your Ex's Affections Now!

Change Your Fate: Don't Let Your Relationship End In Vain!

Unbelievable Solution: Make Your Ex Fall For You Again!

How to get in touch with you?

Simply call me or WhatsApp me, I do this as a hobby and it is not my full time profession so I might not be a very chatty person and I do not believe in sweet talk and small talk.
 +91 9916785193


Genuine Spell Caster Reviews


Anonymous said...

Hi kenn,
I had requested to cast a voodoo spell to get my love back in the month of May. And I would like to thank you for it. My boyfriend has been back together within 2 days time. Things between us are great. He was not meeting me at all. And almost for 4 months I dint meet him. But when I requested Mr Kenn to cast a spell I got the result in 2 days. The next 2 days he called me to meet and spoke out many things, and every week we are meeting each other and speaking nicely. He accepted his love for me and expressed his feelings. I thank you for helping to bring him back to me. His spells has worked so much and so very fast I was fully surprised and very much happy.
for more information

Anonymous said...

I am a muslim gal madly in love with a hindu guy who hated me for breaking his relation with his girlfriend.. But Ali's SPELLS not only made him forget what i did for him but he was attracted to me. he came to meet me daily and said he loves me. he has innumerable and extensive spells which can solve tuffest problems in your life which to a common man seems impossible.. great human being to support you in all your problems... trust me he is one of the trustworthy spellcasters i have come across in my years of resaerch... thanks a lot for supporting me always and bringing my love back to me forever..thanks..God Bless you For your kind deeds..

Anonymous said...

I am girl who was frustrated, sad and lonely after a break up from my boyfriend. My situation was hopeless, and I knew nothing I could do about it..i contacted many astrologers and black magicians in who took my money and fooled me. I was tired of searching a genuine person who could help me getway with my grave issues and problems in my love life… I was just at the brink of suicide and has just given up from life when I came across with Mr. Kenn. I called him and told him ONLY MY BIRTH DETAILS & SENT MY SNAP..after 1 hour he told what all has happenend in my life TRUST ME IT WAS 100% TRUE..he told me about all my problems before I could have told him then I sought help 4m him.. regarding my personal issues …my boyfriend started hating me but after his VOODOO SPELLS he started to meet me daily ,, he use to love to spend time with me.. he started loving me truly… I am Thankful to Mr. Kenn that he gave me back the love of my life… God Bless him.. for his kind deeds.. I am more than haapy with what he has done for me… and I am satisfied that after facing so many fake astrologers.. I made a wise/lucky decision for getting all my spells done from Mr. Kenn.. he is OUTSTANDINGLY GREAT !! thanks a LOT.. I recommend that he is a trustworthy spelllcaster of todays time…his spells have astounding effects!!!A must TRY FOR ANY OF YOUR PROBLEMS..Thanks a lot kenn… God bless you!!

Anonymous said...

day before yesterday my boyfriend was abusing me a lot & was saying he will never ever call me come what may. i was shattered n very much hurt coz of his behaviour i called kenn & told him everthing that happended between me and my boyfriend. he told me to do wait for a while he will cal u back n would say sorry for everyhting he said n untill you forgive him for his misbehaviour he cant be at peace... you wont b;eive dat in less then 24 hrs my boyfriend called me at my cell n was crying bitterly n saying plz forgive me ..he said sorry to me many time s he told dat since last nyt am so restless to talk to you.. he was apologising with me over d fone n begging to me to talk to her nicely ...finally wen i got melted coz of his tears.. he told am feeling light now he said he loves me he cares for me a lot n wants to meet me..he was planning a trip with me to go abroad.. i could have never imagined a person talking like him who was so rude n rebellious to me talking like this..all thanks to Mr. Kenn..guys he is one trustworthy peron and a great human being ..Many many thanks to you Mr. kenn.. if you guys wana talk to me about his spells you can contact me at this email before meeting kenn even i have come across many spell casters who are fake n just look for money and after meeting Kenn n looking at his work i came to know that he is actually possesed with powerful magical skills to help you in any of your gravest problems..thanks kenn..a lot..May god bless you

NEETIKA said...

Hi am a 22 year old gal..i had blemishes all over my face and there was a sort of absence of glare on my face
no matter how hard i try to look good but nothing worked..
I asked Kenn for bauty spells and within a week i started looking pink and glowing..
i wondered that all my face marks disappeared.. i look beautiful ..thanks so much Kenn for rendering all the beauty to me..thanks so much..

Anonymous said...

I fell in love with a guy and so did he. But after some months, he backed off and just dissappeared. I was heartbroken and became very depressed. Thats when i approched Ali bhai and requested him to help me. I got my results in exact 3 days. i was shocked to hear from him and all the love he had for me. I mean i was SHOCKED. Only Ali Bhai could have done it. At this time,i am still with my love and we are very much happy together. I wouldnt go anywhere else or advise anyone to seek help from anywhere except ALI BHAI. Thanks a lot Bhai and i owe you my happiness. May Allah always keep u happy.

Anonymous said...


You are the best, thanks for completely changing my life and making me realise its worth living.You helped me out to sort issues with my office colleagues who had been very rude to me and after meeting you things have completly changed. Cheers. God bless you.Thanks a ton KENN.

Arzoo said...

Kenn i would like to call you as an Angel.
In todays world where I find n number of astrologers who ensure tat they promise things which gives us a light of hope, charge a huge amount for the work,& alas the result is 0.I was shocked to know Kenn was in a thought do really such plp exists in this world which is so unrealistic. I found Kenn as an Angel who is so unlike other psychic's or spell casters his aim is to help plp who are in need and make them happy.
The way of my living completely changed after meeting Kenn.I would like you to read my past history which can give you an Idea what Kenn is all about.
I had been to almost 10 to15 astrologers in a due time of 6 months when my boy friends wedding was fixed.By then i was totally drained outta life.I am a girl who is always happy and wish to see all around me happy,I had gone in to a such a big trauma which made me a chain smoker as my boy friend ditched and got married.I knw big deal,i wud ve survived peacefully if i had not been to so many astrologers who said all lie tat my BF loves me and some black magic is been done on him and all crap and promised me to unite with that bastard,cause of all this at office my performance was degrading and my juniors and seniors started talking all kinda stuf bout me which made me real sick and got admitted in hospital for 10 days.When i saw Kenn's site Get your lover back i smiled and said one more site doing false promises,but i wanted to see what Kenn has to tel me now as my BF already had got married,I gave a call to him and as I was already well versed with so many astrologers did not reveal him my real name,i addressed myself wit a different name & dint speak a word other than this.i still remember the face i had made when he started telling me bout myself,I was zapped with Kenn's psychic reading can someone be so gifted by God,by only hearing the breaths i took he revealed my entire life history from the day i was born till date. I had completely lost the belief in spell casters,but Kenn made me realise that there are true and trustworthy plp like him also exists in this world,with his spell casting i gotta know lot of things bout the guy whom i thought did love me but happen to be an asshole and there was no black magic done on him which Kenn proved.N There is a complete change at my work place also things which my boss feels are impossible to be done are been finished by me after Kenns spell casting i really cant believe its me who is doing all this.i have got lotsa appreciation and a good project to fly abroad.
Today,am so happy in my life and with Kenns spell casting i am proud to say that life is worth living with people like him who is a true human being gifted wit such
beautiful humanity who cares, understands and ensures that he secures the trust one has on him.
Dear reader,As a Human being living on the same planet as you do am requesting you to-Please trust Kenn and just hold his finger he shall ensure you cross the bridge without any fear and resolve all your problems without even you realising that he is the Man behind your happiness.
Thou i had spoken with kenn over the phone i can write this sentence with confident that I shall close my eyes and follow Kenn where ever he asks me to keep my step ahead.a real trustworthy Human Being..As i have gotta know so many astrologers i am thankful to my God for gifting me with Kenn as my Angel star. I have given a FULLSTOP to the search of True Astrologer who are honest to their work which is been gifted by God to help plp in need, as i firmly believe there can be none like Mr.KENN.
Kenn U R D BEST.May God bless you with tons of happiness,& live long to help plp like me who really need you as their guiding star
Thanks is a small word to thank you

Anonymous said...

I had fallen in love with a guy who also said that he loves me .But after some time he said that he does not feel for me anymore .I am not able to believe that person whom seems whole world for me started avoiding me and stop picking up my phone call .Even if he pick up my he shouts at me like anything .I had become so much depressed and come to such stage of life that i just was not able to bear this pain and want to end my life .
Then Ali bhai came to my help ,he understand my problem and check out certain things.He told me not to call my boyfriend .He said that my boyfriend will come by itself .
Exactly things start happening like ali bhai had said .My boyfriend started calling me and said me sorry many times .I got my love because of Ali bhai .The person who dont even pick my
call now wants to talk me for hours.This is possible only because of Ali bhai .Ali bhai
is a trustworthy and honest spellcaster .The main thing is his main goal is how can he
help others by his talent .Any type of problem and situation can be solved by him.I have not seen the God but i have listen that God send his messenger to help you .And Ali bhai proved me like this .When all others people had stop understanding me, Ali bhai is
the person who support me and help me.He do his work very sincerely and a genuine person who can understand your pain.He can give you what you want .When life has become miserable for me ,then he is the single person who hold my hand and support me,So i recommend everyone ,if you really want to solve your problem and want to be happy then take help of Ali bhai .He will surely help you.

Anonymous said...

HI...Ali bhai is one of the people in my life that i trust the most. He is really very honest and turstworthy. My husbands job was in jeopardy. He made a mistake and was going to loose his job and his license. I called Ali bhai and withing hours and i mean HOURS, everything was ok. My husband was only suspended for three days and did not loose his job or his license. Ali bhai, may GOD bless you with everything is this world. Anyone who is reading this out there, if you need any kind of help, without hesitation approch Ali bhai. Without a doubt your problem will be solved. He always stays in touch, calls in timely manner and never avoids his clients..Ali bhai you are the best..Allah aapko khush rakhe.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kenn, how can i express my thanks to u?. I dont have enuff words for dat. You kept your word once again. The spell i had requested from you for the guy i really lyk has started showing its effects and i mean very positive results..i ws amazed by the change in his attitude towards me..very caring and wanting to spend tym wid me...when few days ago i was the one who was trying to get his little attention. I really thank you for making me happy and keeping your word. God bless you always for helping out not so lucky people lyk me out der. Thanks once again Kenn.

Jannat said...

Thank You for bringing me back to life. I owe it all to you.

Anonymous said...

Hello Kenn, i wanted to thank you from my heart. You have helped me alot and made me smile again. I was going through some tough times at home. My husband was drinking everday and not making any money. My daughter was getting out of hands. My friend that i really like was avoiding me. My inlaws started to bad mouth me. Thats when YOU came in and turned things around. Kenn, now things are completely different. My inlaws are so good to me, my husband not drinking everday and has just recently signed a big contract and my friend has come so close to me and started caring for me like i m the only one. Kenn, now i think about you before i think about GOD. Thats how much i trust you. Thanks a lot and please keep up your good job helping needy people. God bless you.

Chanda said...

Im so glad I met you. You have brought peace and tranquility to my life.

Anonymous said...

Im soo glad i know this someone called kenn who changed my life when i was going through hard times. After trying many spiritual healers i found him and he made me get my life back again. His work is 100% and 1 of a kind. Now every time i have problems with anything i turn to him knowing he will sort it out for me!! Thank you soo much for all your hard work, effort and time. May God bless you forever.
Nazia, Manchester.

Nancy Kaur said...

I was having lots of problems with my daughter who is a teenager and elpoed with a guy. All i had to do was call Ken and within hours my dtr was home and that guy in the jail...Ken, i thank you from all my heart. You are GOD sent to help people like us. All you guys out there,Ken is a very trustworthy person. I cant even think about anyone else now. Without a doubt i call him for whatever problems i have, doesnt matter big or small, Ken solves them. So my mind is at peace. And i mean this. Anyone has any questions about Ken, you can email me at Ken, thanks again and keep up the good work. May God fulfills all you wishes as you help us here in getting ours. Thanks once again.

Anonymous said...

hi kenn,
iam Muslim girl.iam frustreted about my mom health then i contact mr.kenn & his spell worked so much for my mom know she is little better know we continues his u r realy great for one thing is u never charge for spell to any one.allah bless will bless u.keep doing this great allah job.thank u once again.....

Saima said...

Hi Kenn,
I had requested to cast a spell on a boy whom i was interested in. He was working in my office. I was deeply in love with him. Within 12 days that guy started showing interest in me. No matter what i say him he blindly listens to me. Infact, my love was just nearly 75% for him, and due to Kenn's spell he's responded to my love with 200% I really dont know how to thank Kenn, but he's fulfilled my wish.
For me Kenn is my God, I always call him for any help i require. His spells really do work if you keep a strong faith in him.
Kenn - your truly a messenger of God. If you were'nt there, my life would mean nothing.
Thanks a lot

AMRIT said...

Hi kenn,
My dad has got in India (punjab) his own business. Due to some reasons my dad's some documents were stuck in Chandigarh from the past 5 months. My dad had already invested a great amount of money in starting in his business. He was in extreme tension as to whether his business will ever start or no. I called up Kenn, i told him the whole situation. I thought that maybe it wont work, but i just tried on him. I swear within 4 days my dad got his document. And now he's undergoing the other formalities, which is also due to Kenn's grace. I am glad your there for me. And as per Kenn, soon my dad's business will start.
Thanks Kenn.

Navjot said...

Hey Kenn
My life took a turn for the worse when the guy i truly loved left me for his family. He had promised me the world and when everyone was against me, he disappeared from my life. My heart was broken, but my pride didn't allow me to accept this. i called Kenn after a friend who had used his services suggested his name. I called him and from the first day i could feel the difference. kenn said I was filled with negativity. He did my work, i was so positive and happy after that. The guy came back to me but this time i rejected him and said he is not worthy of my love. Kenn gave me the confidence to explore relationships and to let my true love come in my life.

Thanks, you r truly a dear person and friend

Juhi said...

He is trustworthy, very helpful,supportive angel for anyone in pain/problems whether you are a guy/gal of any age, caste or religion.
Thank you for being my guiding light now and always
For any support or suggestion regarding his great work to help society you can reach me at
God bless :)

Anonymous said...

as salaam o alaikum ali.......sanjana here
shukriya apki madad se mujhe behad raahat milli... doston main bhi aap logon ki tarah kisi se behad pyaar karti hoon aur mere aur uske beech mein kuch theek nahin tha.. mere saath bhi kuch ajeebo gareeb haadse ghat rahe the iam a hindu girl madly in love with a muslim guy......... ali ki vajah se aaj main shaant aur khush hoon..... because of all his great effort my boyfriend is gradually getting back to me.. inshallah we will get married in the later future....... still things are left to be done it might b done pretty soon.... i just wanna thank ali from the bottom of my heart ... if you guys need any help in your lives please get back to ali... he really does miracles... and its out of my experience i am telling you.... and he is not fake.. thanks again.. allah apki saari muraadein poori karein....ameen.... aap aise hi sabki najaayaz madad karte rahe.. ameen........... jazakh allah... aur allah hafiz......dua mein yaad rakhna....

Harprit Kaur said...

hi kenn, thanks for being there in my life. i have done so many works from u & all have been fulfilled. Kenn has supported my family completely. My dad is going through financial crisis & its all because of kenn that now we are getting back to stable. my Younger brother was born after 17years and he was extremely irritating, he was a complete animal at home. Kenn checked his stars out and we came to know that someone from my family was doing spells on my brother. Kenn, changed my brother's life. He now is calm & cool. Kenn has also helped in my mom's health recovery. He has given us a stone for my mom which will make her always close to my father. Kenn helped me get my ex-boyfriend back who had ditched me after using me up financially. he helped me get my money back which i gave my boyfriend. He taught my boyfriend a very nice lesson. Kenn also made me realise that live life newly, i got another guy in my life. Kenn helped me maintain my relation with that boy, & is inshallah doing further to get me married to him.
Kenn i truly owe u a lot. U are god for me, an angel who has come to help me in all my problems. Thanking you from true heart. You are simply - just the best....

Amanpreet said...

Kenn Bhaiya, aapka thanks main kaise karu. You have saved my life. i am a 17 year old student, my father passed away when i was 2years old. my mom has raised me with great difficulty. I fell in love with a guy who is 21 years old. This guy spoke to my cousin sister and told her nonsense about our relation. my cousin asked me, & i was shocked. i Spoke to kenn, & seriously speaking kenn had already warned me about this guy. kenn understood my family situation & casted spells on the guy so that he goes away from me automatically. Within 15 days kenn's work was done. i really have to thank you bhaiya because agar aap nahi hote toh yeh mujhe badnaam kardeta har jageh. You saved my mom's respect and gave me a true path of learning.
thank much...

Riya - 9855139120 said...

Hello keNn,
i liked this guy who was currently working with me in my office. I asked kenn if he could spell cast on him and make him mad behind me. Within 13 days my work was done. and now its been 5 months we are together. whenever i call kenn to ask him any advice regarding us, kenn always suggests me the best. I always call him and thank him, and he always says 'ARe you happy now'/ really kenn, i am happy with what you have done for me. and not only has kenn done only on my guy but also on my father so that he can win my dad's heart, which he has gradually.
thanks a lot kenn, inshallah i hope to get married soon with that guy....your the best...and your truly my helper and saviour. i really dont have words to thank u. but just one thing, never leave me in between, always be there for me.

Anonymous said...

hey ali this is archana here... im very grateful to you for helping me second time... ur truly an angel in everybodys life.. guys my friend had casted a spell on me wich made my health bad day by day and all my work became unsuccessful... i used to faint get regular fever and became pale...i approached ali to help me and i hve another problem with me that is iam surrounded with negative power which makes things worse for me.. because of this whoever i love goes away from me... this was the very tough and impossible thing to remove but because of ali's help, generosity he removed 50% of my negative power ... thank you ali now i have some stability in my life... i even loved a muslim guy for 4 yrs who jus left me one fine day and i dint have any hopes of him coming back to me.. but after ali helping me to remove my egative power my boyfriend jus calls me fter a year and wants me back saying that he realised my love... this is all bcoz of ali.. ur truly an angel can call you next to god... thanks for always being there for me... and i am very very lucky to have him as my friend... guys if youhave any insolvble problem in your life then jus contact him... honestly ull only receive positive results.... thank u a lot a lot ali......god bless you for all the good works.....

Anonymous said...

Dear All,
This is Miss. Khan, I appreciate and recommend to seek help from him as i am witness to his wonderful work related to my job and personal life, but you will find many spellcasters who does work but only for money, this person guides you what is right and wrong with his spiritual insights into your upcoming life and recommend a suitable course of action and will stand by your side come what may till your problem is solved without charging you everytime.
He is a great human to have such noble intentions to help people at the cost of risking his life for few impossible work of clients but never make his client regret for trusting him.
If you have come to this blog and reading this comment believe me you are at the right place from any personal issue to professional problem he has the spiritual powers to help you sail through your any number of problems within no time and has a passion to help as many people as he can in his lifetime.

Thank yo so much for being in my life, though my life is settled from all fronts but i still want to stay in touch with you as whenever i talk to you i get such positive vibes and everything keeps falling in place automatically.. you are an angel in my life...thanks a ton for all your help,
best regards-
Mrs. Khan( i am Mrs. khan now because of you, Inshallah soon)

Anonymous said...

hi bhiya, i am so thankfull to u for geting my lover back in my life in only just 2 days.i was dying for him from last 5 yrs and i requested to u and u did it in only 2 he is calling me every day and express his feelings.i am really thank gul to u frm my heart bhiya.i owe u my happiness love u so much::))

Anonymous said...

hey guys this is sanjana here.. i jus want to thank kenn for all his effort in helping me out in my difficult situation.. he is obviously a gods man.. i had lot of negativity in me through which i could not do anything properly and coz of his spells my negativity level has gone much less. i feel really at peace.. he is even helping me to get back my love.. im sure ill get back my love soon.. ur the best kenn...........

Anonymous said...

hey kenn,
thanx a ton for the spell you casted for has really worked well for me.god bless you always.
i would also like to tell the people out there that kenn is a TRUSTWORTHY spellcaster,unlike others who only work for money and give no results.i myself was in doubt when i told kenn to cast a spell for me i thought he would also make false promises and end of the day no results.but he has proved himself that he his trustworhy and very because of kenn i am back with my ex would never give me time and attention but all thanx to kenn today i get all his time.kenn once told me that my bf would latest call me by thursday and believe to me he callled me on tuseday only.i was shocked to see my bf calling me after so many months.thankyou sooo much kenn,i can rely on you any time now.kenn you have done a very big favour for me,you cannot imagine how because of you i am happy in my relationship and i sleep peacefully at night.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I was cursed very badly in my life, my co-sister had done a very worst black magic on me to let me down in my life and to spoil my happiness, her main aim was to seperate me and my husband and she wanted to gain all the happiness. She had done black magic not only for me but for all the members in my husbands family including my husband, because of this I was loosing the love from my husband and his family, after trying several astrologers I contacted Kenn, I feel I would have contacted Kenn long back so that all my problems would have been solved long back, but still I really thank Kenn from bottom of my heart for casting the reverse curse and removing the hex. He helped me by casting the above mentioned spell which brought peace, love, care & respect in my life. I'm so much happy in my life now, Kenn is the only person who's made me happy, God bless him. I suggest every one to contact Kenn for your any sort of problems, do not have a 2nd thought at all.

ayesha hanif said...

hi kenn, how are you...i wanted kenn to do a work with which all the guys i flirt with remain with me....seriously kenn did a circular spell and all the guys are like mad about me ..thanks kenn for fulfilling my wish...great work...:)

Anonymous said...

oh kenn i dont know how to thank you? you have given me the world, you help everyone and really thank you...i had asked kenn to keep doing spells on my family for liking the guy i liked. first i was scared whether it will really work, and now when its done i know its all because of kenn. god played a miracle only through kenn. thanks kenn i really owe you a lot. god bless you...and one more thing he truly understands a person's problem and really solves it, thanks yaar once again

Anonymous said...

Hey all... My love life was perfect until things started getting worse after a year of relation.
I lost the person who was my world, my heart and my soul. Loved her truely and lost her for my fault. I lost everythng n lyf. I lost myself. I lost my job. I lost my assests and i didnt bother loosing thm as i lost her. I went mentaly challenged and behaved strangely. I was like dead. Used to cry n middle of night. Was alone n scared n hurted. Its been 6months she left me, she was hurted as well i thought. Many austrloger told me thy wil do sum havan n charge 35k... I was even ready to pay thm.
i used to call her but she used to reject my calls and she didnt want to speak to me. I beeged, cried infrnt f her. It didnt help.
Suddenly i got ken.....
it changed everythng.
he was n desperate need to solve my problem and didnt bother about money... Can u believe it????? He never focused n money and repected my feelings. With 4-5 days we started to converse.
Slowly within a month we started getting closer.
days passed and he told me not to be aggresiv and let her call u n u don call.
I got her calls.
I had no freaking clue wht was hapening. I prayed god. He came as a messenger and changed everythig.
After speaking for a month we started getting closer. I realised what mistakes i had done earlier. She started liking me and loves me now by heart.
We are a happy couple and things are so fine.
this valentines day was 1 f the best i had.
Thnks thnks thnks to ken...witot him nothng wud hv been possible.

rajeev said...

my life was beautiful..
i had a perfect relation wen all of a sudden it started to take a dead end.
i was like a living dead...

i didnt have any idea what to do. i lost the person whom i loved the most. i cried and begged to get her back. My life was impossible without the person.
i was ready to do anything. i went to many people who asked atleast 35 thousand rupees to do some thing..
i was even ready to do so..
i left hopes to do anything in life.. it was months that i had no contact and i was loosing all hopes.
How things happedned and how they made me like a dead person i couldnt imagine.
i loved some one truely and never thought anyting bad against any1 so why i am being punished.

Anyways days passed.. months passed...
Out of no where i got this contact... its like God showing me the way towords him.
He gave me so strength that i felt like thee are chances.
I was heart broekn and never thought anything is possible.

he asked me few weeks time. i agreed.
it was an instant reaction and i couldnt believe the person who has gone has started talking with me.
i had a normal conversation and KKenn asked me not to approach and just have a normal conversation.

I was so happy... i started talking gradually. Ken told it will help you for sure.
his onwrds acted like a tonic and every thing he told helped me.

the wolrd was coming alive and i was getting better.
we slowly agreed and accepted each other.
We are now living happily and peacefully.
Without kenn this wouldnot be possible..

What ever you do Ken your powers are ultimate and you are the best advisor and healer of all pains.

I have no words to thank you.. you have given me the precious thing in my life and i will always owe you for ever.

Love you a lot!! respect you!! be with me always.

Rajeev said...

Well inlife there are many instaces where you find yourself in a difficult situation.. you dont know what s going wrong... you are clue less and you just go with the time..
i facede few situations from past few months where in i had no clue what to do and right time was not just coming.
I knew i always have a resource thats kenn.. i already waited a lot and finally decided to call kenn ask his help.
Within 5 days believe me things started changing so drastically and i got money out of no where.
He just did and all he told its just "Upar wale ki dua hai"
Love him a lot for ths.

You knw what is wonder ful abt ths man???

he isnt n hunger of anyythng like other people they demand a lot if they are doing any favour..
he is smply the greatest person i have seen.
He never asked me anythng, no even a favur back.
I will always be greatful and people he is really a gem and a miracle can happen in your life if he is there.

Please be with me and always stand by me.
Thanks a lot for all your help.

PREET KAUR said...

hi kenn,

thank you so much for giving me the love of my life. This guy, i met him through and i requested kenn to do something that we both get along. kenn and his powers are truly amazing, kenn has given me the world. this guy respects me and loves me truly. Kenn thank you so much for giving me my love.

amrit kaur said...

hi kenn,

i called kenn for helping me as me and my family were facing some financial problems. Payments from customers were stuck and we urgently required money. I requested kenn to do something so that atleast a minimum amount comes. And its truly shocking, the exact amount he guaranteed was received the next day evening by my father from a customer.
Kenn, your a magician, my mother and i can never forget what you have done for us.
inface kenn so understanding, after speaking to my mother he actually made her feel better and gave her assurance that whenever you need any help, just remember me as a son.
Thanks a lot kenn, you truly are the best spellcaster.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hi Mr.Khaleel you have done a fantastic job.
My cousin had been suffering from sleepless nights due to the effect of some kaala jaadoo on her, done by some enemy... regarding this i requested Mr.Khaleel to solve the problem as soon as possible. For my surprise Mr.Khaleel solved it within a weeks of time from his own place without even consulting the victim. He has done a great work and he is really sincere and trust worthy. Thank u Mr.Khaleel.

Unknown said...
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Sandra said...

Hello Kenn
I owe u and ur work a big THANKS. I am a Christian girl in love with a Muslim guy. Everything was great but lately we were having lot of arguments. I called up Kenn and he suggested me to give my guy per Kenn's predictions and spell work, within 5 days he msged me and confessed about his love..
My work is still going on and i have full faith that i will get my desired results. I am so glad that i called Kenn and told him my problem.
God Bless U And U R A Genuine Spell Caster. Hats Off To U.
Thanks Alot!!

Chahat said...

Hello Kenn
Thank u so much for helping me get the guy i love so much. I am a hindu girl in love with a muslim guy. Everything was great but suddenly we started having problems. I was devasted...that's when Kenn came in and helped me. His spell work made my guy realise my importance. We are gradually talking and sorting our problems.
All because of Kenn that i got him back. I sincerely hope that anyone who is in trouble find an angel like Kenn.
Thanks alot Kenn.

Anonymous said...

hi ken
i asked kenn to get my love back, but i end up being with the sister, what i wanted in life a women being perfect for me to love and listen to me all the time and my dreams came true.......

love you kenn ur my best friend !!! yr the best!!!

Anonymous said...

perfect man

ur best friend said...

He is the best guys!! someone did some spells on me so thati get bad stomach pains and leg pains coz he wanted money from my mother 15000 for doing my work which we didnt gave and he spoiled my health by doing some spells on me..i told this to this kenn and he did some spell on the phone while talking to me and within minutes my pain went away and since then am perfectly fine... am so shocked i cant belive such powers exist.. and he is best in doing such things...thanks a lott to you..please be there for me always..thanks u my friend... i know him from almost 6 years now and he is the most trustworthy person i know..he will never play with your trust and do your work the best unlike those fraud spellcasters available online..thanks again...God bless u and Ramzaan mubarak to u and your family :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kenn,
I was in the relationship with one girl for 2 years.I went overseas for 2 months.when i came back, my girlfriend stopped talking and seeing me and broke up the relationship.I was very depressed and frustrated and resorted to drinking and smoking.I checked on internet so many websites to bring ur lover back.I paid in lakhs to so many fraud people,who made high promises,but all were fake.all my money and efforts went into drain.Then one day i came across with Kenn first i thought another ripper,who will make high promise for nothing.But after reading his testimonials i thought let me give a last shot.So i contacted him on the phone,u cannt he told me ur girlfriend has been brainwashed.I will take 11 days to bring her back to ur life and she will tell the reality as well.To my great surprise, my GF contacted me after 7 days and said she wants to meet me.I could nt believe this miracle happenned.
Thanks kenn to his sincere efforts, i am very grateful to you.You are a genuine and trustworthy guy.God bless u and keep doing good work for society.
A guy from Australia.

preet saini said...

Hi, this is preet saini, I was facing a prb with my suppliers were not giving me material. I called kenn and in a days time, kenn did the magic spells and things were done. Thanks a ton for keeping up my business great going. God bless u and keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Dear All,

This some person has amazing powers i must say,i went down for an interview but due to some problem i was so high with fever that i was unable to get up from the bed...i consulted the doctor, took injections medicines nothing happened but Kenn did some dua and gave me an amulet and within an hour i started sweating and without taking any medicine from then i was perfectly fine, he helped me so much...May God bless him, he did some spells so tat my interview go very easy and it was the most easiest interview ever. thanks a lot kenn... i can never thank u enough for all you have done for me, thanks a lot

Anonymous said...

Dear Friends,

thanks a lot to him, my brother went missing and i asked him to do some spell so that he comes back home he was missing for three days we were about to do the police report and he said dont do he will come back within 24 hours but he came back the next morning itself , my mother is so impressed with him. thanks a lot Ali :) you are seriously an Angel in my life..I wish u tons of happiness in your life and your family..thanks a lot!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
Kenn helped me a lot in getting my love back, after i spent around 300000 lacs on fake spellcasters in india.I just want to alert u guys pls do nt get trapped in the false promises of these following persons.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sir,
I had asked you about my relationship and the misunderstandings in it your predictions and guidence both were perfect thanks for helping me out :)

Anonymous said...

hi kenn..
first of all thank you for saving my life at the brink of death.. well like many others, i am suffering major problems in my love life and profession as well..still working on my love life however otherwise my mind is now tuned to be positive and the black magic that someone had cast on me is wading away and the entire owness goes to you ken.. thank you so much for the support and by being there to help when everybodt had abandoned me.. the only one i have faith in this world is you, God sent you at the right time to save me.. thanks a lot..and God bless you for all the good work that you are doing..

harprit kaur said...

Hi everyone, my dad just had a bypass open heart surgery 15 days ago. Doctors had told that doing a open heart surgery would be very risky and he can even lose his life. I was financially critical. I requested kenn to save my dad, coz for me he is my god. Without even taking a single penny from me, kenn did a 4 days spriritual prayer (bhog) in an orphanage for my father. The surgery took atleast 9 hours, and it was only due to kenn my dad got a new life. I can't thank kenn as he did this work without even asking me money. He considered my father as his father. I still can't forget what kenn has done for me. He's truly my god, my saviour. We all had lost hope while waiting outside the operation theatre, but kenn guaranteed me that he will come out alive. He made it sure his words are marked. Believe him truly, have full faith in his words and his work, blindly trust him with positive hopes, and only then you will see what kenn is, he is the most genuine spellcaster I have ever met. Thanks kenn, I owe u a lot. Thanks a lot

aditi said...

I requested kenn to do a magic spell on a guy I started liking. I had full faith in kenn. he did 2 spells on this boy. Though that boy came to me, but he went away for 10 days. In those 10 days I felt miserable. I used to call kenn and trouble him. Kenn always told me to have full faith in him. I know these 10 days were horrible. But I sincerely thank kenn, that guy came back to me again, and he feels why he left me. He is so close to me now. I really don't have words to thank kenn. Sometimes ups n downs do come. But one should have full faith in kenn. I really want to thank kenn for giving me my happiness. God bless u.

Bee said...

Hi kenn,
I had requested to cast a voodoo spell to get my love back in the month of May. And I would like to thank you for it. My boyfriend has been back together within 2 days time. Things between us are great. He was not meeting me at all. And almost for 4 months I dint meet him. But when I requested Mr Kenn to cast a spell I got the result in 2 days. The next 2 days he called me to meet and spoke out many things, and every week we are meeting each other and speaking nicely. He accepted his love for me and expressed his feelings. I thank you for helping to bring him back to me. His spells has worked so much and so very fast I was fully surprised and very much happy.
for more information

Anonymous said...

Salam to everyone..
I was in love of a girl, she didn't know anything about me or myself.. I requested Kenn to help me on this.. Kenn spelled n prayed f0r us n guide me to follow the instruction.. Trust me viewers she was being so intersted in me within only 2 weeks of time period.. & she said that she's in love with me herself.. I was so surprised n shocked.. It was so unblievable for me..
I thanked to Allah n Kenn for such a great help. Kenn is so helpful for all human being..
May Allah Bless Him All The Time,
& grant him Heaven for being such helpful f0r all of us...

hafsah said...

hi , I would like to thankyou Mr.khalil for helping me out from the terrible situation.. As my sister who was BLINDLY in love with a person who almost ruined her life. he made her believe that we all are her enemies and he was the only one who cares for her and had taken control over her mind and money both. before taking any step , any decision she used to take his advice and because of that she made many mistakes. she never used to pay attention to us. she was so into him that she even FORCED us to call his family home and meet his parents. After losing every hope,I came to know about you and contacted you. You are the one who gave me the hope that she is going to be all right and she will get back to normal soon. I followed each and every guidance of yours and FINALLY she is all set now. and HAPPILY MARRIED! ALHAMDULILLAH! the most amazing part is that the day the bad guy's parents came home , the very day some other people who were interested in my sister came home too. every single person of my house tried their level best to convince her and what they say is true that 'miracle happens' this is what happened that day. she agreed. AND THAT IS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kenn Sir. Words cant express how much thankful am to you. The spell I had requested from you for the guy I really like has started showing its +ve effects. His attitude towards me changed very much & now he wanna spend time with me. I really thank you for making me happy,you just gifted me a new life. You are an angel send by God.... really... Thank you very very much.....

Anonymous said...

Dear FRIENDS CAUTION: Stay away from this below cheaters they robbed me with keep asking me money and false promises..ur work never will get done..

Anonymous said...

Hello My name is Mrs leo jean. From united state all I have to say is thanks to Mr Kenn for bringing back my lover to me in just 11,days he is powerful contact him on his mobile phone if you are in any kind of problem.
love you kenn....

Anonymous said...

Am Sonia, i base in USA. i had problem with my ex boy friend some months ago. And he was cheating on me which hurt me badly,and he was also avoiding me,He no longer pick my calls.I was totally confused cos i don't know what to do.There was a day i was surfing the internet i came in contact with this spell caster who have helped so many people in their relationship.So i contacted him and explain everything to him.And he told me to do some things,I did the correctly.To cut it short.My ex boy friend gave me a call and said to me that we should have a date,i agreed.On the date,He was begging me to have him back and i agreed we are now together as one again,Planing our wedding. Thank you for rescuing my relationship.....continue your good work may God Bless You Kenn.

Anonymous said...

Am Sonia, i base in USA. i had problem with my ex boy friend some months ago. And he was cheating on me which hurt me badly,and he was also avoiding me,He no longer pick my calls.I was totally confused cos i don't know what to do.There was a day i was surfing the internet i came in contact with this spell caster who have helped so many people in their relationship.So i contacted him and explain everything to him.And he told me to do some things,I did the correctly.To cut it short.My ex boy friend gave me a call and said to me that we should have a date,i agreed.On the date,He was begging me to have him back and i agreed we are now together as one again,Planing our wedding. Thank you for rescuing my relationship.....continue your good work may God Bless You Kenn.

Amby lucky said...

Hi Kenn,

Thank you. Really Thank you and I wish I had better words to show my gratitude towards what you have done for me.
Like most people listed on this blog I too was a victim of my lover’s wrath and this is what happened with me-
Am a believer that no cause is strong enough for lovers to part ways and my lover always walked away and would stop talking or responding to me even after a petty argument. I was a mess but had still gotten used to his way because I loved him unconditionally for more than 2 years. After one such petty argument, my lover disconnected my call and I brushed it off as his “mood swing”. Days went by and I tried contacting him, sending him cute little love msgs and email but no response. Then one day I got a message saying he doesn’t ever want to talk to me or see me. I was shattered. I loved him and am still madly in love with him. I begged him to reconcile but again he stopped responding to me. One day I was praying to god to help me when I found this blog and Kenn, your number. For a moment I wondered if it worked. Then I decided to call Kenn and as I spoke to Kenn I began to cry. He assured me that everything would be alright and gave me a date around which things would change. Everyday as it passed by, I would question myself and cry to sleep because I missed my guy so much. Finally I was two days away from the date which Kenn had told me and my lover made a slight vague gesture towards me. The next day, still a day left, I got a call from him saying he just wanted to hear my voice and now we talk everyday.
Thank you Kenn for being so patient with my phone calls and being there for me through this rough phase. I believe you more and more each day as time goes by and I trust every word of advice you have given me. You are not just my love savior but my life savior too. May god shower his blessings on you forever and may you get all the happiness you desire in life.
With all my heart
Thank you.
Amby 

Anonymous said...

Hi Ali Bhai
Thank You so much i am in peace now. When i called you i was in great pain. i failed in every aspect of my life, love, money, career, family and many other issues.i was restless,depressed , and in pain. Ali bhai told me about my lover that he is not good for me. i asked Ali bhai to do something. he guided me. things started change. first i felt relax, cool and calm. now i an relax. i got a good job now. some other proposals and i am feeling very good and happy now. Ali bhai still working on my case i know i will be very happy in future because Allah is with me He appointed an angel for me. for my help and he is Ali bhai
Thank you so much Ali bhai this is all because of your help. Allah pak apko bohat ziyada ata karain Ameen

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the help sir kenn. U are truly amazing!!! I had a problem too regarding my relationship . This is the main reason why i approached and called sir kenn on one of my surfings on the net. And i can say it worked! I hope things will get even better ... Thank you sir kenn!!! Continue your good work!!!

Anonymous said...

So grateful to you sir kenn. Thankful for the help you did. Im happy with how things are transforming. Im still hoping it gets even better as days go by and i know that will happen coz of you. You are one of a kind. Anyone out there who has a problem in their relationships or problems in life, dont hesitate to contact sir kenn. He will not put you down.... God Bless sir kenn ....

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot kenn for removing black magic from my boyfriend may god bless you.

sue ann harlen said...

A couple of years ago I was in a dark period in my life, the man I love to bits had gone off with someone else, that was when I was told about this Mr Kenn.
After been scam by lot of spell caster's promising me false hope not knowing all they really wanted was my money.. He gave me hope and he was right, within 20 days my man is back to me because this week we have moved in with each other and we will be spending this Valentine together. A big thank you to Mr Kenn.
I will use Mr.Kenn again for further work in the future.MAY GOD BLESS YOU KENN...

Anonymous said...

Dear Ali Bhai,
Thanks a lot for ur help. I really thank u from the bottom of my heart. Thank u so so so much.

Dear All,
If u have any problem in love and relationship matter, u just seek Ali bhai's help. He will definitely help u out. Believe me guys, this guy has some amazing powers....he is the most trustworthy and genuine spell caster.He is never after money. He will never let you down....U can trust him blindly. Believe in his powers without any doubt.

Thanks a lot Ali bhai. May God bless u. Thank u.

Samuel Tom said...

I love to be on your testimonial page to spread my happiness. Your hard work and effort is greatly appreciated especially from me. My girl-friend is back home. We are back together. I'm picking her up from the station today. I haven't saw her in 6 years. I wasted so much time with other spell casters and should have stuck with you originally. You are a truly gifted spell caster and I just wanted to take the time to show how you and tell the world how grateful I am"thanks to Mr.Kenn, contact him if need his help.May God Bless you Mr.Kenn.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Kenn for turning my life from negative to positive. I was so lost in life and by miracle was led to this website and susequently met Kenn and from there my life turned for positive orientation. A truly genuine person and a very gifed spell caster. Thanks to Kenn in every way and wish him happiness and loads of success. Thank you Kenn and will never forget you and your help. A big Thank you.

Anonymous said...

thankyou ali

Anonymous said...

LittleFlower said...

IT WORKED!!!! Kenn, everything I asked for HAPPENED LAST NIGHT! Drew finally broke down and told me EVERYthing, confessed to being a liar and a cheat, and asked me to please forgive him............. It must have been eating him up inside for days now, the guilt, I can tell he's been weird. I thought at first it wasn't gonna work, and he was gonna leave, but I guess I thought too soon, cause he finally admitted to everything, but said he loved ME and ONLY ME, and it's killing him to think of losing me! He said he'd do ANYTHING to prove it to me! I kinda want to take him up on that, (hee hee) but I won't pust my luck! We are going to go to counseling now, and he even said I can have his voicemail and email passwords, just in case I need extra proof that he is now being 100%%%% FAITHFUL to me and ONLY me... what can I Say? THANKS THANKS THANKS!

Anonymous said...

Hello Kenn, i have to say that your spells really work. I was in trouble with my woman, i thinked she cheated on me for several times.

Thanks to you now i know she never cheated on me and i can sleep with no strange feelings.

Thanks, i will suggest your service to all my friends, they are worth!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kenn Sir,

I must admit & THANK you for everything. You are gem of a person. The spell did work. Obviously things begin to change slowly. People be realistic about the results. But it did work for me. I am so very thankful for you sir. God Bless You!

glenna said...

I thought our five years of marriage is hopelessly doomed after finding out that my husband is cheating on me. What hurts me more is that he admitted that he loves the other woman more than he loves me! I was furious and vengeful that time! I want them both dead but deep inside me, I know that I love my husband very much! I feel like I’m in the abyss and nowhere to go.

We have two children who need us both but they are affected by the situation too. They often ask me why their father is no longer going home but I can’t explain it to them due to their innocence. I prayed and prayed a lot until hopeless I became! I became more furious to the point that I seek help of black magic to do vengeance to the mistress and to my husband. That time I learned about Kenn’s magic spells so I contacted him online. He told me that with his love spells, he can make our family whole again without harming anyone because if I choose to harm someone, karma will hunt me soon.

It was two months now since the spell was casted, and my husband is back with us a week ago. He apologized for everything and he told me and that he realized that living without us is meaningless.

Thank you so much Kenn!
You’re an angel in disguise! I’m sure you can still help more people out there to fix their love issues.

kryshanel said...

Dear Kenn,

I just want to thank you for the love spell that saved our relationship. My fiancée told me that nothing can stop our marriage now after his ex-girlfriend appeared. He used to love that girl but the girl leaved him for her career. After 3 years, the girl came back trying to claim the space she had in his heart, disregarding the fact that he’s already engaged with me! I thought it was the end so I did everything I can to keep him. Thanks to you! Your spell is powerful enough to seal our love so no one can ever ruin it!
Thank you very much!!!

Asifa said...

I want to share a very important incident of my life, about which am stunned even till date. one odd day my eldest daughter and second elder son fought so terribly eith each other. that my elder son in crazy anger left home, he had nothing with him no money, lfet cell phone at home and no debit/credit cards. we belong to a small town in UP, India. my elder son went for the first time in his life to my sister place who was staying in Mumbai, when they fought with each other he left. we were under an impression he probably is angry and would return after a while, aday tor two passed n i got really worried, we launched a police complaint, days went by none was able to figure out where my son went then i was able to figure about Mr. Kenn through my daughter who is a very close friend of Kenn, she recommended to share it with him and if that could help, helpless with little hope we shared with him with 2 hours my son was back home to the shock of my life who was missing for days. am so impressed and bless him with all my heart for what he did. thereon he told me to read a supplication to maintain love and harmony.peaceful relation between all my children , the day i started reading what he gave me, all my children stopped fighting and was staying with love and affection for each other. God bless you son, you indeed are doing a great thing for soceity. May God bless u well for ur noble deeds. thank you all, my sincere advise to all trust him blindly with his instructions for your work to get best result in whatever u want. he is a angelic figure in the shape of a human on earth. Thank u Kenn. take care. & God Bless

Joohi said...


i want to share about kenn beauty spells, i had ugly marks on my face, he did a spell that i looked no less than katrina kaif, and hundred of people came and complimented when i wan in college!!

thank you for making me feel beautiful inside and out.. you a have a great heart! God bless man :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know what name I should give to this person Doctor, Angel ,Healer, Magician or Aladin.
My story is also like everyone's . I lost my love 8 months back. After that as the days were passing my pain was also increasing day by day. Twice I tried to commit suicide. Many astrologers, pandit, baba I contacted. Whatever they said I did everything but my mind was not relaxed. The day starts with tears and end with tears.

To forget and minimize the pain I started travelling from one place to another so that I could be tired and have a sleep otherwise it was being difficult for me to sleep.

Going through lots of websites finally I approached this Jadugar. I still remember the day when I called him with full of pain, depressed and disappointment. I just thought lets try once more. When I first time spoke to him I thought ki " Areee ye to hamare jaisa hai. How he cud have supernatural powers ? But as I was talking to him his voice was like a tonic or Charnamrit which directly reaches to heart and mind. That night I was bit calm. No more bad dreams I had on that night.

He simply said "Have Patience", "Faith on God" and "Do Meditation"

10 days gone I have not dropped a single tear in the last 10 days. Daily I am getting a sound sleep. No more pain, cries in my dreams. Not only mentally but physically also I have improved. I feel much more energetic and my mind is relaxed.

He is a doctor who not only gives medicine to his patients but also gives advices, suggestions whenever you required.

His voice & words are like Jadu Ki Jhappi (Same Jadu Ki Jhappi which Sanjay Dutt gives in Munna Bhai movie which brings smile on everyone's...

Now I feel that somewhere I am blessed by God that I found this person in my life.

Thanks for everything.

Blue.mct said...

Hi! Friends,
In today's world it very difficult for we humans to believe that supernatural powers exists BUT with my personal experience, I very confidently say,"YES" I have seen miracle happen in my life & Mr.Kenn made it happen in my life.
Like many people, I was also going through a emotional trauma of a heart break & that too far from my family friends. No one to console me or give me a shoulder to even cry. One day, i just thought i should see some simple online spell which i can cast on my own and while i was browsing through hunting for love-spells, I found Mr.Kenns website. Something within me told me, i should call and speak at the contact number given on the website and I called Mr.Kenn and told him all about my love issue. The kind of support after that i got from him is just inexpressible in words. All he tells u is to keep patience, have faith in god and think he keeps telling u to think positive and his last sentence is always, "take good care of urself"....Ofcourse I must admit, it took time for my boy friend to come back to me but suddenly from no where one day my love came back to me as if we both never had a breakup. It happen just like a magic, cause though i kept thinking positive yet I was feeling restless to have my boyfriend back and It just did not look like my boyfriend was even thinking of patching up with me and Mr.Kenn kept telling me, don't contact him. He will contact u on his own. U keep patience and wait. AND SUDDENLY 1 DAY MY BOYFRIEND CAME BACK PATCHING UP WITH ME AND TODAY WE BOTH(ME MY BOYFRIEND) R HAVING A STRONGER BOND.
I must tell u all, in the whole solution to have my boyfriend back, I had casted some spell which back fired and Mr.Kenn even helped me in removing that spells negativeness. All this was happening over phone.
All u have to do is, be honest with Mr.Kenn and tell him each and every thing about the situation in ur problem, Keep patience, think positive and keep Mr.Kenn informed about each and every move happening at ur end. Thats it..... and ! day u will see magically ur problem is solved.

Mr. Kenn,I want to take this opportunity to say,"THANKS A LOT FOR GETTING "K" PATCHED UP WITH ME.THANKS A LOT FOR UR COOPERATION, SUPPORT AND M SORRY I KNW I CALLED U "N" NUMBER OF TIMES AND TROUBLED U :).... Last but not the least, May god bless u for helping soooo many people and solving their problems.

Anonymous said...


I met a guy who became the closest friend of mine. He cared me alot. I fell in love with him. After some time he started ignoring me, his behavior got totally changed towards me.By seeing his this attitude i was going into depression. I needed help to make his as much lovable as he was when i met him. One day, out of curiosity I was searching a its solution in internet and I found Kenn's number in his website. When I spoke to him, he calmly listened my problem and spoke very motherly to be positive and he will surely help me and make things right for my happiness. then he did Love spell by which my friend who had started ignoring me, started giving me so much importance and love. he became even more caring than ever :) I am so happy now. He is my boyfriend and we are very happy together. Thanks alot to Kenn. He is a God for me in this earth. He is the best man I have ever seen.

You are a real Godly figure.
Thanks you so much for your magic and help.

Anonymous said...


Just wanted to comment that I met Kenn Bhaiya at a time in my life when everything seemed to have crumbled around me. He came as my saviour though we are still working on completing the task he has taken for me but I can honestly say I have felt and seen the difference in what he has done for me todate. Once my task is complete I will be able to fully affirm his "Great Work". Bhaiyaji I do apologise for the many questions and calls over this period but I am sure you can appreciate when one is in a vulnerable and unstable situation one needs answers almsot immediately. You have the patience of a saint to respond in the manner you do. I will be in touch. Thanks so much for your kind deeds to the many unpriviledged who come to you. God Bless you and give you more divine superior powers to succeed in your life.

Anonymous said...

Hi..i am a hindu girl..i fell in love with a Guy who was my friend.till 5-6 months everything was great But Suddenly He Started ignoring me n one day he just left the city without letting me know..i just became mad without him..i was Not able to survive without him..i knew Mr kenn as I had already taken his help many a times in my difficult situations n he Has Always been such a godly figure for me..he assured me that he will come back my his magical power N you Know within 11 days of Mr kenn's spell Casting..he started Messaging Me..he was So curious To Know about My well being..he came back To same City Things Are Great Between Us..all because of Mr Kenn's Magic...thank You so Very Much..GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS...

Anonymous said...


I Came to know about mr kenn through his website. I was going through a real trauma. First my husband threw me from his life for money after so many months of staying alone and sad..i Met A guy whom i found So caring that i wanted to spend my whole life with this man. but after few months he also started behaving badly and one day He left me ..i was totally in suicidal trauma..i started searching In net to find Someone who knows love spell to get my love back to me and I found mr kenn's Website. I Called him and told everything, within few minutes He Told Me everything about the guy and his Opinion about Me. He Assured Me that he Can do powerful love Spell to change My Lovers mind and get him back to Me.and within 11 days he really Came back with loads of love. Thanks To Mr Kenn's love Spell. Its really powerful.thank You so Much..

Anonymous said...

Kenn is the best!!!

Anonymous said...

We love you Kenn

Anonymous said...

miracle. miracle.miracle. i hav cried a lot of time .bt today typg dis masage i hav tears of hapines. i had nt talkg to my bf as he was rude abusve n insult me. bt just wen i spk to kenbhaiya. .nxt day he said sory .thanko. a milion .u r god sender.

Maria Uk said...

Ali bhai you are an angel. A true blessing. I have benefitted so much from your spells that I am forever indebted to you.

Anonymous said...

Hi I m very much glad that I found this side n spoken n gave my prob in ken bhais hand from last two mnts I was depressed bcoz a person to whom I love a lot he suddenly left me n didnt want to meet me at all I was in mental trauma that my blood pressure in also gone high I spend a lot of money to pandits but they all r cheaters they only promise u n never do ur work but when I spoke with bhaiya he said nt to worry he ll do my work n gave me time of 21 days but by Ken bhais spell within two days he called me n met me to discuss some thing n I have trust that Ken bhai will defiantly bring him back to me like first thanks Ken bhai with it devine power I m getting a positive response from my man n with ur spell He ll love me more n more

Anonymous said...

Hiii your spells r really working you r great God bless u

Anonymous said...

Hi I m very thankful of Ken bhai he is very genuine person n he is having devine power within him suddenly me man left me before two mnts not even meet me n contact me n I love him very much I became sick n frustrated I used to cry day night I had visited so many web sides n tried a lot to get him back nobody had done my work only money they took n cheat me when I contact to Ken bhai I was in very bad condition but with Ken bhais miracle he called me up n met me to discuss some issues nw I have trust in kenbhai n God everything 'll be fine slowly still my work is going on I really thanks s lot Ken bhai God bless u n I request u tkeep trust in Kenbhai n God

Rohit sharma said...

I loved this girl but she left me after we had a small misunderstanding. She wouldn’t even take my calls. I begged her to sort out our differences and messaged her day and night but nothing worked. But after you did the work you said, she not only spoke for me but it has been a week since we have been friends and now she wants to carry on with me…. For me the moment was like true magic and for me you made it happen… you are truly a MAGICIAN!

Vani.s said...

We were happy in our relationship. I don’t know when my boyfriend got attracted to his office colleague and suggested we break up. For me, my life was over. But like you said, I held on to my fate and he himself came back to me on his own and apologized to me too. He proposed to marry me and we are planning to make the announcement soon. And I owe this all to you Ali.

girl from Maharashtra,india said...

A girl from Maharashtra,india.....
Mr. Kenn's psychic reading and future prediction is awesome and excellent.I truely believe in his readings which has helped me a lot...he is not only good at his psychic readings but good and honest human being too..he honestly helps you to your problems without not being after only money...believe me he is dedicated towards his work and will not cheat you..I had been to many such readers n love spell casters but I had bad experiences.Thanks to him for helping me and god bless him and give more such powers to help those who r needy....his love spells are also too strong and give garunteed results..

T.khan said...

Thanks a lot for ur help. I really thank u from the bottom of my heart. Thank u so so so much.
I fell in love with a guy and so did he. But after some months, he backed off and just dissappeared. I was heartbroken and became very depressed. Thats when i approched Ali ji and requested him to help me. I got my results in exact 3 days. i was shocked to hear from him and all the love he had for me. I mean i was SHOCKED. Only Ali ji could have done it.many pandit n baba ji make me fool n taken money n gold from me n promise me to get back my love but they dont plz trust only Ali ji Not any baba or pandit they are froud n plz save your life from thos froud babaji n if u really want gud life den contact only "The Ali Ji"

Anvi said...

When my life broke down after relationship problems, I asked God for help and my prayers were answered. I spoke to a man who told me only ONE thing- If your love is true, if your heart is pure and clean, everything will be alright. Just hang on. In his exact words " Bhagwaan ke ghar mein der hai, andher nahi" Literally meaning there may be a delay in the House of God, but there is no darkness.
And such was the positivity, confidence and faith in his voice, I knew I had spoken to an Angel and his name is Ali Bhai.
From being a broken-hearted depressed person, today I'm a happy butterfly in the sky and it's ONLY because he was the wind beneath my wings; inspiring, comforting, patience and MAGICAL !
Wow. We worked with some beautiful pure white magic to help me along my path and the results are here for all to see :))

Anonymous said...

I was in need of money badly. I applied for a loan in a bank.But I was not getting proper response from the bank people.suddenly I got ali's number from a website. I called him I told my situation and I asked him to do something so that my loan gets approved. I told him I don't have money to give him.he said no problem.And i dont know what he did but I was shocked that within next 24 hrs my loan got approved.really I don't know how to express my thanks.Thanku thanks a lot Ali.And before speaking to him only negative thoughts use to come to my mind.But once I spoke to him positivity came in to me.Really after months I am felling good.some positivity in me.i am not that expressive.But yes want to thank u from my heart

Harprit Kaur said...

Hi Ali,
I thank you for helping me out. My husband had left me in Dubai and had gone to India and was not ready tro come back. I gave a call to Ali bhai and within few days my husband was back to me. My husband also gave me his passport. If anyone has problems plz contact Ali bhai for help. Its guaranteed work. I still have many problems and all are handled by Ali bhai. I am very happy to have a friend like you. Thanks once again.
Harprit Kaur

Suni said...

i dnt have words to say how thankful am to u. you bring back the hope for living further in my life. The effort you put to help me and ur helping mentality is really appreciated. I was feeling like i lost evrything... my life, my love... every good thing frm my lyf... but sir... because of ur help... am gradually getting evrything back to my lyf. U r really very honest and turstworthy. thanks for always being there for me. Today am so very happy becoz my love is with me... tha love that i thought i almost lost... Sir, u dnt have an idea wht you gve back to me.. and i hope coz of ur work.. gradually i will get evrything back in my lyf as it was before.
I just wanna say to the people who are reading this is.. if u hav a genuine problem, then kenn sir definitely has a solution. He is not just a spell caster, more than that he will give you a moral and mental support as well.

Thank you so very very much sir.... may god always bless you.

Anonymous said...

A very true story of my own Ali bhai is a magic.. I was tensed broken in to pieces when my love of my life left me alone then I was searching for a real spell caster and I go thru ths website I saw hea testimonials and I called on ali bhais number.. he is such a great n helpful person he listned to m carefully n tol m to call back with in half n hour. I called him back he said ok ur wrk will b done. I was so happy and waited fr abt msny days ws dishearted n brokn n daily I use to call ali bhai n irritate him by dstrbing him I m really sorry fr tht bt ali bhaIs voice was lik a relief medicine fr m always . Wen eva I use to listn his voic sum hope of living cums inside me. How ever my wrk is under process going on.. bt he is a person next to God..... wen ever u hve any problm u discuss vd him he will help you out n will make u feel better very better.. thankz fr making m strng ali bhaI. I will neva frgt u.. n wil surely b in cntct vd u always.. u r d best healer of every pain. Me waiting fr a positive result soon.. I will be back with a new testimonial once I wil get my luv back n wil be married to him... Ali bhai is a great man n a pain reliever....

ramsha said...

Hy ali bhai I have no words to say thank u to u.. you are simply a great man who helped me alot when my life was in dark. I was having no hope but ali bhai gave me hope everytym wen I used to call him I have called him number of tyms. Me sorry for that ali bhai but he always dea to answer me. My boyfriend left me alone I was blank and was going in a depression day by day. I search out the spells hea in net so I go thru this websit and I called alI bhai. He told me to call him.back after half an hour. Then I called him.back and asked him he said ur work will be done with in 21 days and I keep on counting days lik 1,2,3.. n so on ..I used to call ali bhai daily bcoz I was tensed n was gng in depression.. after 21 days my boyfriend called me ... n cried alot for me. It was simply a miracle the guy who was going out with other girls was not thinking for me is crying for me badly.. I was simply shocked. After seeing this but these all things happened bcoz of ali bhai .. im waiting to get married with him soon.. n will be in contact with ali bhai forever. As he is really a helpful man he is after God... guys its a very true story of my.. if u r facing any prob in life contact ali bhai.. he is big hearted man.. as even I have not given full amount to ali bhai I told him iam not having right now.. he understood that also so easily.. ali bhai is there is a smile in my face just bcoz of ali bhai...

navjaan said...

GENUINE SPELL CASTERS.Hi this is navjaan from punjab.i really want to thank you ali bhai for what you have done for me.i was in such bad pain in my body and my feets use to be num all day.i call ali bhai and told him my prblm.he said not o worry..and so shocked the next day i was back to normal with no pain and my feets are perfect now.i have been going to so many doctrs but ni medicine affected.this is a merical.thank you so much ali bhai for helping me to ne happy my family.

Anonymous said...

GENIUNE HEALING.I have no words to thank you ali name is navjaan and i am from punjab.i was in such bad body pain and could not walk properly because my feets use to be num all day.i shared my problem with ali bhai that no medicine is giving me relife.he said not to worry.In two days my body was back to normal and there was no numness in my feets too.i was so shocked and called him then bhai told me that he has done healling spells which worked like magic.i thank u bhai for all this and making my family life back to normal.od bless you with long life and u bhai

Anonymous said...

This is Priyanka from Bhopal I have no words to thank you Ali bhaiya. Thank for brining my love back in my life. He was not talking to me from one year I share my problem with u and within two days he called me back and we are back togather happly. Thank you so much Bhai and be with me always with our blessings. Thank you.

ninu said...

I REALLY WANT TO THANK YOU ALI BHIYA FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME AND MY FAMILY.I HAVE NO WORDS FOR ALL THIS.MY HUSBAND LEFT HIS ALCOHOL BCOZ OF YOUR SPELLS.FROM LAST 15 YRS HE WAS DRINKING DAY AND NIGHT.But frm last month he dose nt even thouch it.this happend all bcoz of ur spells bhiya.u are really magician.or u should say God for u ali bhiya thank you.

Annie said...

My boyfriend dumped me a week ago after I accused him of seeing someone else and insulting him. I want him back in my life but he refuse to have any contact with me. I was so confuse and don't know what to do, so I reach to the internet for help and I saw a testimony of how a spell caster help them to get their ex back so I contact the spell caster Ali and explain my problem to him and he cast a Lovespell for me and assure me of 15days that my ex will return to me and to my greatest surprise the Eleventh day my ex came knocking on my door and beg for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that, we are about to get married. Once again thank you Mr Ali. You are truly talented and gifted.

Sowmya said...

Hello All.. honest to God, the days were on roller-coaster with my love, the only one I have as mine on earth. Years rolled by with ups and downs in relationship, instability was at peak, going in circles about every silly fight, loss of faith, respect for each other, love & peace was least to expect BUT then Ali ji was a ray of hope eventually the rescuer. He not only handles emotions, troubles, confused mindset well but with his Excellent Expertise in Love Spell Caster is impeccable, within few days I started to see the wheel of fortune taking it's turn for good. His Love Spell brought harmony in my life. Thank you so much Ali ji, your Love Spell just works as a miracle through heaven. GOD BLESS YOU. Loads of love and good wishes to you :)

Anonymous said...

My case was worst my married life was almost over i was so much worrying by the grace of God i found Ali bhai who changed my situation completly around.
my wife almost left me who i loved more then myself. Today we are back togather happy and peacefull.
i have no words how to thank him .i trust his work is 100 % gauranteed.
from Doha Qatar
thank you thank you Alibhai

Anonymous said...

Ali bhai was light in my darkest phase of my boyfriend left and just walked off one day without uttering a word.changed his number I was in a phase of committing gods grace I got Ali bhai number and he worked on my my boyfriend is begging me to be with him.Miracle the guy who refused to pick up my is literally begging me.thanku Ali bhai thanks a lot

Anonymous said...

I really want to thank uncle for helping me all the way round and standing by my side when I left all the hopes. He really helped me getting him back to my life my love .. When he left me all ended really Very bad But thanks to Ali bhai he bought him it was his efforts my love is back to me.. Thanks Ali bhai .. He really is a true guide a genuine person and an honest love spell casters.. Thankyou so much Ali bhai!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kenn - Many thanks first of all for the magic you are role in the "Psychic Readings".

This is Nirmal,I approached you to get back my love. It was been 6 months over, we were separated. No more contacts, she refused all the way. She blocked me in all the communications.

I was depressed lot, no energy, no more concentration on any impartants.simply was like physically present but mentally absent.

Day by day i was dumped and losing my hope before i met you. I gone through the information given in your blogs and the testimonials.

Really was surprised, especially the blog about the Psychic Reading which will used to start further.

So i decided to start with the Psychic reading which i needed to know about what is going on her, her intention, her future plans, what was wrong with her, what is the best solution to break all and bring back.

You gave me very positive responses on my questions i had in my thoughts. Now i am somewhat recovered from the worst situation i had in the past.

The Psychic reading was very useful for me. Because before by simply start with the Spell to bring back, it would be great if we get what is the problem and solutions for that. Accordingly we can have a follow-up and get it done.

Now i have requested to CAST a SPELL to bring back my love.Hoping that all will be positive and expecting my LOVE will be back soon. I am really ready to give a good future to HER.

Thanks a lot for your help on this.

Anonymous said...

Since 10 DAYS was just finding words to describe what Ali has done for me..still short of words to describe .. his works are par description ...coz no words can describe this great personality ..
I was framed in a court case for the reason just to harass me.. not by anyone else but my own dear one. coz of Ali's great work I have been relieved from all the mental and physical stress of attending the tareek per tareek of our Indian judicial system.

Since 5 years till today, he is been there for me. I had lost trust on everything, but after Allah the almighty its Ali coz of whom I am alive today.
After the court case case withdrawn I was on verge of losing my job which I actly needed in this hard time. But when I told Ali abt it. He told don't worry ur boss will tell u that he needs u in the centre. And believe me my boss told me the same thing that the centre needs u. After Allah if I trust anyone is Ali.
There are many long instances of my 5 years long hardship to be mentioned here. My life has actually changed after meeting ALI. But all I want to tell is I trust Ali and suggest all to trust him. He is genuine messenger of Allah and a true healer.. or magician. He makes people love life ..He brings anything back to life.


Unknown said...

Hi i'm a christan girl my name is jannet from india i want to say few words after talking to Ali bhai
Meeting you has been a most rewarding moment of my life.from your kindness advice and devotion,thank you
Words are often inadequate ti express my jo for your help for sharing my dreams;for your valuable help you are an angel.your support and patience Ali bhai i am what i am because you stood by me when the world turned their back on me.i say a million thanks you for helping me to get my ex boyfriend back in my life
(Sucess is the fruit of personal effort plus support and encouragement from people like you ali bhai.thanksfor giving me a shoulder when i could not support my self god bless you and your families ali bhai)

Anonymous said...

Hello i am saqina i am from india
I know tough times comes in everyone's life,i feel my self as luckiest girl in this world.just few days back my life was full of problems and difficulties.i got kenn bhai's number through online.he talked to me very politely and gave his precious time to me.again my life comes to the track,now everything is ok in my life.the relations who left me behind now they all are with me once life changed completely there was a moment in my life when i was about to commit suicide but now everything changes after coming in touch with kenn bhai all my problems ran away i got a new life because of you kenn bhai i got my family and my boyfriend back in my life thanks so much angel god bless u with all happiness in the world!

Anonymous said...

Kenn the whole world loves you but notmorethan me brother thanks so so so much for giving my life back you save a life only god can do this but for me you are a god!

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Amit sharma,
My life was full of difficulties and problems in the last few months i have gone through the tough phase of my life.i was in love with a girl and it was 7 years of relationship
With the conscer of time her friends were saying bad things about me and she started ignoring me,she got new friends,shevstarted her relationship with another boy that was the most toughest phase of my life.many times i thought of killing her commit suicide,bad ideas were coming into my mind one day one of my friend told me about kenn then i got in touch with kenn aits very difficult to describe kenn in one word you call him god, magician,angel guys i am going to marry with the same girl after a week it is all because of kenn thanks so much and i love you brother!

Pragya said...

I was in a relationship with a guy for more than 4 years, we loved each other allot, we were about to get married,
All of a sudden he started avoiding me, he started fighting with me, ignoring me,
I use to bend down, say sorry to save our relationship as I love him allot,,even then things were falling apart,,no matter how much I tried,, I use to think were m i goin wrong,,y is he changed, I use to beg for his love,,started running behind him,still he didn't bother to love me, den I got to know that he has sumone else in his life,,because of her, he is throwing me away and blaming me for each and everything,,
I consulted many guruji, to do some pooja for both of us,,then suddenly he broke up with me,,I couldn't take it, as it wasn't my mistake I love him,I never want to loose him,,I consulted spell casters they said 12hours he will come to u,, some said 24 hours,, but nothing worked,, he didn't come,,things were falling more apart,, den I found out about Kenn,, I read his all testimonials,, I called him, he said I will try but I can't assure u, and he mentioned about his fee,,and gave a time limit of 21days, he gave me instructions to follow,,
I started doin whatever Kenn said keeping in mind he will try but can't assure me,, suddenly I got a call from my guy,, he spoke to me casually,, it was really a miracle because he had blocked me every where on the social networking site including calls,, den after some days he called and insisted on meeting,,things started to fall in place slow and steady,,I'm happy now that he is back in my life,, he himself proposed me for marriage now,,im glad I met u Kenn,,,thanku Kenn for all ur support and help
Love u

anynomous said...

I have been to so many babas and spell caster in India and have lost 6lakh Indian rupees to get my love back. There is saying that destiny and hope brings you to the right person. After listening to my story Kenn advised me for physic reading as he wanted to be sure about my problem. My reading has given positive reviews. Even then Kenn as a honest man said I will try my best to bring her back and can't give you more than 50 percent guarantee, but I have full faith in you Kenn. I am advised to be calm and focus's on my work and things will happen. Although it may take some time. Just wanted to let you Kenn I have full trsut in you. I will be soon writing one more testimonial !!!!

Anonymous said...

I contacted Mr.kenn for physic reading and I found his reading 100% genuine. He gave specific answers to my questions.what I really liked about him is he does not say things just to make you feel good. He clearly told me whether what I want is actually possible or not, without giving me any false hopes. previously I have also done some astrological reading regarding my problem with some astrologers but after physic love reading by Mr.kenn I personally felt physic reading gave me more specific and accurate answers. Lastly I want to thanks Mr. Kenn for not only solving my concerns but also for giving me true advice like a genuine friend which was in the best interest of me.

Anonymous said...

thnk you ali bhai for all your help..u helped me a lot to get the person back whom i luved so much.u gave my hope n luv back.

Anonymous said...

Kenn you are a angel..we all love you.may god bless you.

Unknown said...

This is a testimony to appreciate Ken for his patience to listen through my problems that were weighing me down for years in my relationship. I had broken relationship that lacked trust & faith, I hardly knew what was going on in my life due to confusion. Ken not only gave hopes also supported & guided throughout with his Love Spell-Casting & Prayers. Ken is blessed with his ability to Heal broken hearts, I happened to see the results in less than 8days.. it was a miracle. His work with love spell has mend my relationship and now I'm happy. My boyfriend is back with all the love in the world. Thank you Ken.

God Bless!!:)

Anonymous said...

Kenn you are such a sweetheart.You have helped me in ways I can't even think of.My boyfriend was influenced by other girl and my life was disturbed so much.I was in real depression for a month and had no hope left.But then I met can Kenn and his love spells are awesome.My love was back within a week.I appreciate your efforts Kenn and I highly recommend Kenn to the people who are going through same situations.Give Kenn a chance and he won't disappoint you I bet.

Anonymous said...

I am sandhya from kolkata..i don't have words to thnk u kenn bhai..u r angel for me boyfriend and me had so many issues.he almost left me.We wre hardly talking to each other.I was planning to die and then heard from one of my friend about him..I contacted him .he told me to wait for 21 days have patience nd to my surprise OMG he was back..things started to get normal.I had financial problem.he dint even charge me..I was completely dependent on my boyfriend for financial and emotional support..kenn bhai fixed emotional support and I am sure he will fix it financially as well..
Thank u soo much kenn bhau
You are truly an angel in my life

Unknown said...
Im a doctor by profession, about an year ago,me and my lover got married.It was all good until few months of our marriage, then suddenly my hubby started loosing interest in our marriage as well as me, because he was attracted towards another girl, I was mentally disturbed because of daily fights, and his lost interest in me, unnecessarily he use to create an argument for no reason,slowly i started loosing interest in my professional life.I couldn't concentrate on anything at all. He started living with that girl.Being a psychiatrist I couldn't treat myself nor I could stay positive,i was so depressed that I lost my job cause of mental imbalance. Later one of my colleague introduced me to Mr-Ali ji saying he is a relationship healer. When I spoke to Mr Ali I found out that he is not only a Healer he also does allot more beyound healing.He Healed me first by Distance Healing,so that I should be positive. Then he helped me with my professional life, simultaneously he worked on my hubby. My hubby started missing me , slowly when I was climbing the success in my professional life ,likewise my hubby was getting attracted towards me because of Love and marriage spells. Today im alot more successful than I was, my hubby only loves me ,no more flings with any girl.
My profession doesn't let me belive all this but im a live example to see the real magic spells infront of my eyes in a month.Im thankful to mr ali. please do bless me with ur support forever and ever ,i always need ur guidance as ur a true guide. I truely recommend all the people who are in need of any kind of help,please do contact mr kenn ali ji ,he can do anything and everything.
Love u
Thank you��

Preet said...

Hello everyone,
This is my VERY FIRST testimonial EVER in my life,so little nervous. To cut the long story short,I was having health issues. Doctors were unable to figure out as all the tests were normal.Emotional stress,no interest in life and job. Then i found Kenn bhai's website online and after thinking for almost 2 months,I called him(hesitant at first).After mentioning my health problem to kenn bhai, he gave me hope and said don't worry, you will be fine. He gave me distance healing over the phone(which i never believed in before meeting kenn bhai). To my surprise, i felt change in my health condition within minutes and felt better by the end of the day(could vary from person to person)and after 2 more healing sessions,My body and mind felt relieved.I can't not believe that i am really feeling healthy.I am at peace in my life now(fingers crossed). I request everyone who is reading this and are having any issues in life that PLEASE, do call kenn bhai at least one time without having a second thought. He is very easy to talk to, caring,concerned,straightforward and helpful. I hope my testimonial be helpful to those who are distressed in life and guide you to the way of getting healed with the help of kenn bhai. God Bless you all!!!

Anonymous said...

I am very thankful Ali bhai that you have considered my love life problems and your attention to this matter. I was completely depressed for missing my love and life problems.
When I turned to you for assistance, you immediately agreed and did your utmost to provide it as quickly as possible. All this was done in order to make things easier for me and point me in the direction of the light at the end of the tunnel.
I would like to express my gratitude for all that you have done. I am most grateful for your support and help you provided, for your attention and open-minded thinking and for your readiness to help with very prompt response to all my problems.
You were there for me every step of the way, and I wholeheartedly appreciate everything you’ve done for me Ali bhai.
Once again I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help. I thank God for your being sent to help us. Your caring gives us strength.
I would like to suggest everyone who have any kind of problem in there life. Ali bhai will surely help you. What ever i say about Ali bhai it is very less. You can trust him and he will definitely help you.
Because of Ali bhai i got my love back and having a great life and he is helping me with my career to. Just want to let you know bhai I have full faith in you. I will be soon writing one more testimonial...
God bless you!

Anonymous said...

I am very thankful Ali bhai that you have considered my love life problems and your attention to this matter. I was completely depressed for missing my love and life problems.
When I turned to you for assistance, you immediately agreed and did your utmost to provide it as quickly as possible. All this was done in order to make things easier for me and point me in the direction of the light at the end of the tunnel.
I would like to express my gratitude for all that you have done. I am most grateful for your support and help you provided, for your attention and open-minded thinking and for your readiness to help with very prompt response to all my problems.
You were there for me every step of the way, and I wholeheartedly appreciate everything you’ve done for me Ali bhai.
Once again I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help. I thank God for your being sent to help us. Your caring gives us strength.
I would like to suggest everyone who have any kind of problem in there life. Ali bhai will surely help you. What ever i say about Ali bhai it is very less. You can trust him and he will definitely help you.
Because of Ali bhai i got my love back and having a great life and he is helping me with my career to. Just want to let you know bhai I have full faith in you. I will be soon writing one more testimonial...
God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Hi m Saleha
Ali is angle,trustworthy,he has unbelievable power,m going to spread my happiness n experience to all of u.I lost my love life.I was so tense n depressed,helpless.kehte hai god apko help karte hai maine dekha ali ke thru.4 to 5days se allah ne ali ka number bar bar flash kar rahe the.i thot i should give a call.i called him i told him my problem.he said don wry sab thik patient be postive.u wont belive I don knw abt this that bf wo kisi aur se engagment karne jaraha hai.wo girl jo unki ex thi.ali se baat karne ke bad sari hidden chize samne aai.aur 3month hogaye the usne kabhi call tak nahi kiya.ali mujhe humsha ye kehte postive raho himmat mat haro,that girl done some black magic on him.isliye wo mujhse dur hogaya tha.but after waiting of 3month.ali ritual works within 5days my bf started calling me &said me sorry.His back in my life.we are toghter n allah ke dua aur ali ke ritual aur power se we are back toghter.while writing this testo...i m crying right now coz khaleel (ali kenn)is my whole world,ali is everthing for bf says i love u every day in every phele kbhi nahi kehta tha...& whatever ali said exactly things start happening still happening...still my work in process inshallah soon i will write one more testo &video once my things will set.i have full faith on Allah n Ali.this is true story please beleive him blindly..allah ke bande hai.allah apki power ko aur powerful banaye ameen...

Thank you Allah u given me such a beautiful gift khaleel(ali kenn) he is most precious kohinoor for me.ALI is LIFE ACHIEVMENT AWARD for me. Thank you ali u given me new life,u given my smile,my sleep back...
khuda haffiss

Neha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Neha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi my name is neha i also had issues in my love life...where i almost lost all my hopes...but than i saw this site which made me strong again.i just wanna say thank you to kenn sir for everything he has done for me when i needed someones help badly.i love my boyfriend alot n wish to be with him forever....i wish to marry him in coming years through kenn sir now my worries are going away

Anonymous said...

Hi this is huraira,
I want to thank Ali for saving my life and returning back my love to me. i contacted Ali when i lost all hopes after trying everything. when i was left by my boyfriend completely by blocking me on all the possible ways he could just becz he dint wanted to marry. he denied to get married to me and went missing. i was helpless i went to many lovespell casters but nothing worked even after paying lot of money. Finally i gave a try with last hope like Ali( Khaleel) positively gave a hope by saying trust god i will do the rest stay positive. I left it to Ali like he promised he got back my love my boyfriend unblocked me he came up to my parents n told me that he wants to marry me so now i have the love of my life with me very soon we are getting married to each other. This could have been possible without ali ( Khaleel). He is just an Angel sent by Allah to us.
Any one can contact him he is always dr to help us in any situation any problem.
like i believe him anyone can believe him blindly.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys
To cut the story short, I was in a serious relationship , but my partner was not serious.When I confronted him for marriage, that is when I realised that he was having an affair with me without any further plans. His answer was I can’t marry you , As I have to think twice whom to marry , it is about my whole life , not about a day or two .After hearing his statement,I was broken down completely as it was a 9 years relationship. I felt like a piece of tissue, I had lost my self respect. I wanted my respect back and his commitment as well that too on my feet. I surfed online day & night to find a genuine spell casters , I contacted almost all the one I found , I wasn’t sure as they all seems to be inexperienced bluffing like , he will come to u in 3days blah blah. After a struggle for about a month I read a blogspot about Kenn Ali and his work touching the sky. That is when I contacted him , he spoke to me very casually and then after hearing my story he said if I’m serious he will try but no guarantee or warranty. I cross questioned kenn ali regarding his way of work and I told him I want my guy crawling on his feet to marry only me. After about 7 days I gotta call from guy , slowly he was missing me . But I was restricted to limit my talk by Kenn Ali & to follow his instructions seriously until my work is completed. Then one fine day my guy came home with his pals asking for my hand and proposing me on his feet in front of all.kenn you are a lifesaver to me . Who gave me my respect.Its because of you I realised that we girls are not fools to be played and then say goodbye. Thanku kenn really your a true spell caster in this whole world.

Anonymous said...

My husband wanted a divorce after 3 years of our marriage saying he doesn’t love me anymore.
I was devastated. I still loved him but he didn’t. My friend gave me your number and told me to speak to u saying u are love guru. U told me to stay positive and that my husband will not divorce me and that is exactly what happened. Two months later, my husband withdrew the case saying he was wrong and wants to give our marriage another chance. I still cannot believe he is the same man who wanted to divorce me 2 months ago. Thanks Ali.

Anonymous said...

Hey there Ali,
Before I spoke to you I remember searching the internet for hours every day and reading articles on how to make your husband fall back in love with you. I tried every trick in the book, yet my husband’s attitude remained indifferent to me. Then one day, I stumbled upon your website and came across your number. I read the other testimonials and something inside me told me that may be you could be someone who could help. Anyway what’s the worse that could happen if I spoke to you over the phone. I was a bit surprised with your psychic abilities on the very first call. It was kind of reassuring to me when you said that things would start improving within 30 days. Honestly, I was very cynical of the whole thing but for someone who had tried everything I had no choice but to place my faith in you. He seemed to start noticing me more around the 18th day and would make attempts to converse with me. On the 32nd day, my husband took me out for dinner and I can sense the romance returning in our marriage. I just wanted to write this testimonial to thank you for restoring my faith in miracles. You are truly a miracle worker.

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years. I recently found out that he is cheating on me with a girl from his office who is already married. When I confronted him initially he refused but then accepted about his affair. Inspite of that I wanted to be in relationship with him but he said he wanted to marry the other girl. I felt so cheated and betrayed. 4 years of my life wasted over nothing. He didn’t care about my feelings and all I wanted was him to realize how much he had hurt me. When I called you, u promised that my bf will realize his mistake and 3 months later, he came to my house, heartbroken saying his married gf cheated on him and used him. He said he was bit by Karma but I am sure it was u Ali bhai who brought him to his senses. I broke up with him anyway.

jacqueline said...

My fiancé called off our engagement a month before our marriage because according to him I was demanding and nagging. He said he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his wife with a woman like me. My family who were excitedly preparing for our wedding were heartbroken. I begged him not to do it and that I would try to change but he flatly refused to marry me. I used to spend nights crying and replaying our relationship in my head over and over trying to figure out where did I go wrong. I was so depressed. I felt like I had lost everything. Everyone tried to explain to me that the guy didn’t deserve me and but more than me I wanted him to realize that if it was so true and God sent u to me. Two weeks later, he came begging to my doorstep, apologized to my parents and now we are getting married as planned. Thank you Kenn ali bhai for whatever u did back there you are only one Genuine spell caster in india.

Anonymous said...

Hello am shalini from australia
I dont have words actually to thank ali bhai and feel very nervous because this is my first testmonial in my life so i begin with my experience with bhai ali.if there is someone on earth who can protect that is only ali bhai you are angel.every brother may love his sister but no one may ever retuen her happiness the way you return my happiness,my respect, patner and i was sperated he blocked me from all media doesnt wanted to talk to me he was the person who never live without talking to me but one day he just messaged me saying we over and i was so dispointed what his talking about and why after 5 yrs of relationship how can he do this without any reason i was going through so much pain,was depressed and doesnt feel like doing anything aa if my life stopped than i started looking for help from pundits and etc but they all ask me money and result qas nothing i was so worried and i dont know what to do exactly than i come across ali bhai web i thought may be his same as others but my heart said give a last go i called ali bhai he listened to my problem very calmly and said look i cannot give u any gurantee and warantee of my job was very stright and honest not like others than he said give me few days and do call me back if u have any question after talking to him i feel very positive and getting busy with myslef where before i dont feel like doing anything even though i call in sick to work than i started my work from next day with full confidence and fresh as if nothing had happened in my life after 3 days i was in break i had miss call i check my ph was shocked it was my patner who mesaaged me and called me apprently who blocked me from all social media i didnt called him back i thought may be mistakly he dialed than he called me back during my break saying sorry and he is coming from ovversease to see me he want to continue our reltionship i feels very hurt what he did to me i was just listening and i know who did all this this is u ALI BHAI i was standing in tease thinking how can be someone so strong than god but he is strong my angel my brother ALI BHAI you are my well wisher this is like someone doing miracles in front of my eyes.i called him but i couldnt talk to ali bhai coz i was very emotional i messaged him the first question he asked me .ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? I was like what a brother u a ali bhai you fill my life with happiness even if i beg in front of anyone they wouldnt listen to me but without meeting me you solve my problem ALI BHAI.Am writing this testimony but my eyes is full on problem u make it your problem and solve it as if nothing ever had happened.i belive truely if there is someone in earth god has created to solve problem and who can understand what humanity means its ALI BHAI.I strongly recommend if any one need help and going through problems in life and cant find solution please trust me at list one time call ALI BHAI and talk to him i gurantee you will find the solution and your life will be more happier to live. Ali BHAI is human who is honest with you who will say he wont give u any gurantee or warantee but stright to positive result without any doubt thats what u come life he made so beautiful seems everydays is celebration ali bhai return my smile,my happiness,strength.WITH FULL CONFIDENCE AM SAYING ALI BHAI IS WITH ME NO ONE CAN NEVER HARM ME COZ ALI BHAI WILL PROTECT ME MY OLDER BROTHER ALI BHAI I LOVE YOU HEAPS KEEP YOUR BLESSING UPON US.THANK YOU ALI BHAI(KEN) FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ,PRAYER, MIRACLE WHEN EVER SOMETHING GOOD HAPPENS I LOOK AT UP AND SAY ITS U ALI BHAI I KNOW JUST COZ U AM GETTING THUS HAPPINESS AM SURE AM UNDER UR HAND AND MY 2018 AND REST OF YEARS WILL BE LUCKY AND HAPPY EVER

Anonymous said...

Hi Ali Bhai this is Ashi.
I was in a relationship with this guy for 6 months. What I didn’t know was the guy had recently broken up from his ex girlfriend and I was his rebound. When the ex came back into his life, he started picking up fights and kept threatening to break up with me which he eventually did. Two days after our breakup I saw him at a restaurant with his ex and they seemed to be carrying on. He had no remorse for using me. I felt so wronged and wanted to teach him a lesson but didn’t know how. I am not really the revenge types. My sister had once spoken to you regarding her love problem and told me you were excellent in these matters. When I told you how I have been cheated, you assured me that my bf now ex would learn his lesson and regret what he did to me soon. 11 days later, he texts me apologizing for his behaviour and that his ex dumped him again. In my heart, I thought good and well deserved. I don’t know how you did what you did, but I am truly grateful to you Ali bhai.

Anonymous said...

I have used Vashikaran services from another astrolger and found it useful as well however, there was no effort towards changing me or healing me. While my solutions came from Vashikaran (at a huge cost)- they were never permanent and my personal state never improved.

Ali is a different kind of sorcerer. He does not mince his words and instead of getting a lover, career, or whatever you desire come to you, what he does is he makes you an attractor of all these things. If you order a love spell from him- it will not just work on that area, it will also work on your over all well being and it is amazing!

Ali has changed my whole world, he has made me a bigger more whole person. He has taught me how to be a better human being and because of this approach my results are amazing, strong and permanent. Ali earns your faith not by compelling you to have faith in him but with his actions which you will see yourself without knowing that he is the one behind all the good things happening in your life.

THE MOST IMPORTANT thing is that he is so down to earth, humble and takes no credit for his help and owes it all to the Almighty. Money is not his end but your happiness is. He will never call you for money but he will sure be there for you if at any point you feel negative and help you in your lowest lows.

When you call him or text him to report a happy news, he will be happier than you about it. Thats the kind of person Ali Bhai is. If you have stumbled upon this blog, you are chosen to cross paths with a very divine being and your life is about to take the wonderful turn.

Thank you God for sending Ali Bhai into my life. No words will do justice to what a huge difference you have made in my life. God bless you with health wealth and abundance!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kenn Ali for helping me. I met my boyfriend in school and we have been carrying on for almost 7 years. While we both knew that his mother doesn’t like me she grew even more possessive of him when he proposed to me for marriage. She emotionally blackmailed him to dump me or so my boyfriend claimed. I tried to reason with him that we have been together for so long and now he is listening to his mother when we need to start our lives and family together. But he refused to listen to anything that I said, saying he cannot hurt his mother. He left me. Just like that! I couldn’t believe it. I just wanted him to realize what he had lost. We weren’t just lovers. He was my best friend and I believed I was his. Spending the next few weeks in mourning over him when I contacted you, you told me to stay positive and that he will realize my worth soon and so it happened. Last night I got a text from him that he misses me and that I was the best thing that happened to him. He wants to meet me again and give him another chance.

Pragya said...

Hi guys
To cut the story short, I was in a serious relationship , but my partner was not serious.When I confronted him for marriage, that is when I realised that he was having an affair with me without any further plans. His answer was I can’t marry you , As I have to think twice whom to marry , it is about my whole life , not about a day or two .After hearing his statement,I was broken down completely as it was a 9 years relationship. I felt like a piece of tissue, I had lost my self respect. I wanted my respect back and his commitment as well that too on my feet. I surfed online day & night to find a genuine spell casters , I contacted almost all the one I found , I wasn’t sure as they all seems to be inexperienced bluffing like , he will come to u in 3days blah blah. After a struggle for about a month I read a blogspot about Kenn Ali and his work touching the sky. That is when I contacted him , he spoke to me very casually and then after hearing my story he said if I’m serious he will try but no guarantee or warranty. I cross questioned kenn ali regarding his way of work and I told him I want my guy crawling on his feet to marry only me. After about 7 days I gotta call from guy , slowly he was missing me . But I was restricted to limit my talk by Kenn Ali & to follow his instructions seriously until my work is completed. Then one fine day my guy came home with his pals asking for my hand and proposing me on his feet in front of all.kenn you are a lifesaver to me . Who gave me my respect.Its because of you I realised that we girls are not fools to be played and then say goodbye. Thanku kenn really your a true spell caster in this whole world.

Anonymous said...

Hi my mentor Kenn Ali, ur an awesome person and true friend in need. When I was at the verge of loosing my love as well as my job . You helped me.when everyone has pushed me away, you gave me confidence to start over my life again. And wait with patience, things will settle slowly. Today my love is back in my life ,and soon I will be sending u an invitation. Please do come Ali ji your my main and only true friend. I wanna be in touch with u until my breath . Love u Kenn Ali . Your a shining star in this planet to help any one in trouble or need to overcome it, and live life happily is only by u .Keep blessing me with ur precious prayers, always b happy and healthy Ali ji . Ur very special to all of us in this planet . Love 💕 u

Anonymous said...

Hii kenn testimonial mai bhot dil se likh rhi hu...before 3/4 months pehle mai bht pareshan th rotii rhti th rat din..becoz mai apne bf se bht pyr krtio th..or ak din choti se ldai ke piche unhone muje blok kr dia hr jgh se...or na.mujse bat krte na ph krte...maine bht manaya nh mante..ak din maine socha astrologer se bat krtii hu...maine khi fake astrologer ko.paise khilae khi kam.nh hua mera..ak din maine kenn sir ke bre mai suna...socha ak last hope.lkr dekhti hu...unhe contact kia unhe apni problm btaii..unhone kaha mai koi gaurantty or warrnty nh dunga...positive rhiye apka kam 30 days lgege...mere bf ko wapis ane mai time lga lkn wo aye...unhone muje social media se unblock kia..phr dhere mujse bat ki....ab humre bech pehle se kaffi kuch thk h....kenn sir ki wjh se...thanku so much kenn sir..ap kehte thy positive rho or bhagwan pr bhrosa thk ussi vishwas se jo ab tk.thk.hua.h...

Isha said...

Hii...i m happy to tell u about something....kuch months pehle mai bhot depressed thi..mai or mere bf mai chota sa jgda ho gya th jis .wjhh se unhone muje blok kr dia jgh se.mujse bat nh krtw thy mai bht depressed ho gaii th smjjj nh ata th ky kru...rat din dua krtii th sb thk hk kuch smjh nh ata th...phr online bht sare pandit se contact kia jinhone mujse paise khae or mera kam.nhi kia...mai bht depression mai ja rhii th Or maiinse bht pyr krtii th inhe khona nh chatii th...ak din maine kenn ali sir ke bre mai online pda socha ak last chance lkr dekhti hu...maine alii sir ko umhone.muje kha mai koi guranty or warrnty nh dunga...ap bs bhagwan pr bhrosa thk ho jaega...mai din rat rotii rhti th..ak din mere bf ne muje unblock kia...phr muje ak din msg ....abh humre bch kaffi hd tk thk ho gya abhb tk jo thk hua..bhagwan ji or kenn ali sir ki wjh se thk hua h...ap un pr ankh bnd krke trust krke apna koii bh kam.krva skte ho....bina soche smjhhe time lgta h but positive result bh ayega..thnku sok much kenn sir..

Anonymous said...

Zohra from India

Iam 29 year old, female. Ever since i got divorce, things were getting worse for me. Bad dreams, Hallucinations were chasing me day & night, i had lost mental balance, emotionally falling weak, physically lost my appetite completely. I had lost about 20kg weight in a period of 2 months. Due to lack of sleep, i was under a dilemma & at the verge of harming myself. This feeling of not being wanted anymore by family & friends made me cut my hand several times, but saddest part was death never touched me. I was finally sick & tired of harming myself. While surfing online i read a review about Mr Kenn ali, i consulted him for my health & peace in my life. It was really astonishing & breath taking to hear in & out details about my condition from Mr Ali. Mr Ali treated me in a weeks time & casted a spell on me to remove the evil eye effects which were sucking me & my life. Iam all good, happy & healthy now. All thanks to Mr Ali for saving my life from further disaster.

I highly recommend everyone to consult him at least once in life time to come out of problems & lead a peaceful life.

Anonymous said...


Iam from Haryana. Of late i have been experiencing weird situations or falling into mishap. My knowledge was lacking when i think of my situations:- nightmares, always scared, very low confidence, aches all over the body, needle pricks all over the body, no sleep, suicidal, depressed, shortness of breath, never interested in bathing etc. my situations where worsening day by day. I consulted BlackMagic removal expert Mr Kenn Ali for my miserable condition. Mr Kenn Ali diagnosed my condition & treated me. Iam back to normal life in a weeks time. I feel lucky & blessed to meet the right expert Mr Kenn Ali. He is not only the best expert in world, he is the awesome mentor & real magician in true sense. Thanks lots of love. Highly recommended people to consult only you.

Anonymous said...

The day I fell in love, soon or later my problems started which increased day by day. My partner was ill- mannered, abusive, physical torture, over possessive & mentally sick which made me think of breakup, but he was torturing me to stay in love with him. I was stuck in life, left my all activities because of his torture, i was getting depressed & always sad. Kenn Ali Specialist of Love Problem Solution gave me a new life, the day i consulted Ali Ji i felt so relaxed & felt so positive by his kind gesture & way of reaction towards my problems amazed me. Ali Ji helped me get rid of my love torture & live a independent life in a weeks time. Thanks Kenn Ali Ji you gave me a new life, love you allot. I never wanna loose a mentor like Kenn Ali Ji. Guys whoever is reading my review trust me Kenn Ali is the Best Specialist in the universe to solve any problem. Reach Kenn Ali without any hesitation, you will feel lucky to get in touch with Ali Ji.

Anonymous said...

Mr Kenn Ali came into my life, as my biggest strength & great help when i needed someone on my side as my angel, whom i can make a wish to come true in no time. Intermarried & 1 kid, my in-laws are very good & happy family, until my hubby met his female colleague, she is Christian & do BlackMagic on my hubby to keep him under control. My husband started fight & want divorce from me. So i called BlackMagic removal expert Kenn Ali, Kenn gave me no warranty & said stay positive. 40days of work with in that only my husband started becoming normal with me, loving me like early. I seriously cannot ask anything else iam all happy now. Thanks Kenn keep your blessings on me.
Call Kenn Ali for any help. Kenn is the real angel in world .

Anonymous said...

What a spectacular experience working with Kenn Ali. My wife and I were having some issues in our relationship and were taking a break. After taking a break I found out that she started seeing her ex. I was devastated knowing that she was opening up with someone else. I called up Mr.Kenn and wanted the most powerful love spells to fix my issue. I was assured that I can be helped. Here I am 4 days later and my wife is in out bed room sleeping. Months of heartache was all resolved in the matter or days. That you for this miracle! Todd Fairley. Thanks a ton.

Unknown said...

Hello's me N
M apko jitna thnQ bolu utna Kam h...ap sch m gr8 h.....ap sch m mere liye god banke aaye h...jinhone Bina koi sharat k Meri help k liye haan bol di.....ap Jo mere liye kr rhe h without any condition..... You are really an angel for me..... I hope m apna next happy review bh8 jldi hi pos8 krugi....
ThnQ so much Ali sir.....u r really great��������

Anonymous said...

It’s regarding Kenn Ali, his work is awesomly great, works with fine perfection. Without his help I wouldn’t have restored my relationship which was heading towards divorce. Kenn your genuine in this mean world. With love Komal

Anonymous said...

I contacted Ali ji after lot of struggle online, were in finding a true astrologer is the most difficult task in today’s world, Ali ji came into my life as a life savier. Ali ji gave me no guarantee or warranty for his work, but he healed me completely in a weeks time from a broken relationship, helped me in finding a new love 💓 who is committed and seriously involved with me. Thanks Ali ji for giving me the best guidance to lead a happy and successful life.

Anonymous said...

Kenn ali is the best spell caster I have ever met. He helped me with my problems and I am very grateful for that. I will always recommend others to him because he has a solution to every problem that you might have.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Mr. KennAli is the best Black magic removal expert in Bangalore that I have ever encountered. He has helped me to get rid of the negative energy that was plaguing my life, and his mystic knowledge was a great source of power in my journey to freedom. He provided me with advice and guidance that was not only helpful but also filled with wisdom. His experience and expertise in this field is second to none, and I am truly thankful for his help. I highly recommend seeking his services if you are looking for a way to rid yourself of the evil forces of black magic. He will provide you with the tools and understanding needed to protect yourself from this dark power.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I had been in a serious relationship with my boyfriend for over two years when things started to go downhill. We started fighting over the smallest of things and it seemed like we just couldn't see eye to eye anymore. Our relationship was on the brink of collapse and I was desperate to find a solution.

That's when I came across Mr Kenn Ali Bhaiya. He was known to be the best astrologer for relationship problems and I decided to give him a try. I was skeptical at first, but I was desperate to save my relationship.

I reached out to Mr Kenn Ali Bhaiya and he asked me for our birth details. He analyzed our horoscopes and gave me a detailed report on what was causing the problems in our relationship. He advised me on what steps I needed to take to get my ex back.

I followed his advice religiously and within a few weeks, my ex and I were talking again. We slowly started to rebuild our relationship and before I knew it, we were back together.

I can't thank Mr Kenn Ali Bhaiya enough for his guidance. He truly is the best astrologer for relationship problems. If you're going through a tough time in your relationship, I highly recommend reaching out to Mr Kenn Ali Bhaiya for his expert advice. His predictions and remedies have helped me overcome my relationship issues and bring harmony back into my life. His insightful readings and accurate analysis of my birth chart have given me a better understanding of my personal life and relationships. Mr Kenn Ali Bhaiya's vast knowledge and experience in astrology have made him a reliable source of guidance for many individuals seeking help with their relationship problems. I am grateful for his assistance and highly recommend his services to anyone looking to improve their relationships.

Anonymous said...

Breakups can be tough, and there's no doubt that losing someone you love can leave a big hole in your life. But what if there was a way to get that person back, and rekindle the love that once existed between you? That's where Mr. Kenn and his powerful spells come in.

I was going through a rough time after my ex and I broke up. I still had strong feelings for him and couldn't imagine my life without him. That's when a friend recommended Mr. Kenn to me. She had used his services before and had great success in getting her ex back.

I was hesitant at first, but I decided to give it a try. Mr. Kenn was very understanding and listened to my situation. He assured me that his spells could help bring my ex back to me. I was ready to do anything to get him back, so I followed Mr. Kenn's instructions and waited for the magic to happen.

To my surprise, my ex reached out to me just a few days after Mr. Kenn cast his spell. He apologized for everything and said he wanted to give our relationship another chance. I was overjoyed and couldn't believe how quickly things changed.

Thanks to Mr. Kenn, my ex and I are back together and our love is stronger than ever. His spells truly worked wonders for me, and I am forever grateful. If you're going through a similar situation, don't hesitate to reach out to Mr. Kenn.